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Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk 1851-1914 Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk was an Austrian economist and Professor of Economics at Vienna. His most important contribution to economic theory was his analysis of capital and interest in which he argued that people were prepared to pay interest in order to borrow, because they expected to be better off in the future and put […]

Boulding, Kenneth E

Kenneth E. Boulding (1910-1993) Kenneth E. Boulding was born in Liverpool, England, but educated partly in the US, of which he became a citizen in 1948. He has taught at Edinburgh. Colgate. Fisk, Iowa State, Ames. and the University of Michigan. He is now Professor of Economics and Director of the Program on General, Social […]

Bowley, Sir Arthur Lyon

Sir Arthur Lyon Bowley 1869-1957 Sir Arthur Lyon Bowley was a British statistician and mathematical economist. Among the distinguished posts he held were those of Professor of Mathematics, Economics and Statistics at the Universities of Reading and London, and Director of the University of Oxford Institute of Statistics. His major works were Three Studies on […]

Buchanan, James M.

James M. Buchanan (1919-2013) James Buchanan was a American economist. Having served on the faculties of Florida State University, the University of Virginia, and UCLA, James F Buchanan is now Director of the Center for the Study of Public Choice, which concentrates on exploring common ground between economics and political science. In 1962 he wrote […]

Cassels, Gustav

Gustav Cassels 1866- 1945 Gustav Cassels was a Swedish economist. Professor of Political Economy at the University of Stockholm. His most important contribution to economics was an analysis of interest rates and trade cycles, dealt with in Grundrisselner Elementaren Preislehre (1900) and The Nature and Necessity of Interest (1903). His main work Theory of Social […]

Chamberlin, Edward

Edward Chamberlin 1867-1967 Edward Chamberlin was an American economist who in his book set forth the Theory of Monopolistic Competition. This was an attempt to make economic theory more relevant as he attempted to devise a model in which elements of both competition and monoply were present.

Clark, Colin Grant

Colin Grant Clark (1905-1989) Colin Grant Clark was a British and Australian economist and statistician who worked in both the United Kingdom and Australia. It was Clark who pioneered the use of the gross national product (“GNP”) as the basis for studying national economies. He was born on November 2nd, 1905 in London and was educated […]

Bagehot, Walter

Walter Bagehot 1826-1877 Walter Bagehot was a famous British commentator on economical affairs was editor of The Economist from 1861 to 1877. Lombard Street, his work analyzing the role of the Bank of England, was published in 1873.

Beveridge, William Henry, Lord

Lord William Henry Beveridge 1876-1963 Lord William Henry Beveridge was a British economist and Director of the London School of Economics from 1919 to 1937, Beveridge was particularly concerned about the problem of unemployment. His most important work an the subject, Unemployment, was published in 1931. In 1942, Beveridge prepared the report Social Insurance and […]

Bentham, Jeremy

Jeremy Bentham 1748-1832 Jeremy Bentham was a British economist, philosopher eccentric and founder of University College, London; educated at Westminster School and Queen’s College, Oxford. His books, Defense of Usury (1787), Principles and Morals of Legislation (1823) and Manual of Political Economy (1825) all extol the classical liberal tradition of laissez-faire. Bentham is best known […]