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Personal letter written by Augustus to his beloved nephew Gaius. The ninth day before the Kalends of October [23 September]. Greetings, my dear Galus, my dearest little donkey, whom, so help me! I constantly miss whenever you are away from me. But especially on such days as today my eyes are eager for my Gaius, […]

Monetary Reform

Monetary Reform of Octavian (Augustus) Octavian’s monetary reform was a major change that would forever alter the course of Rome’s monetary history. Bronze coinage, which had virtually caesed to be minted after 84 BC, was restituted with the regular issue of the Roman As (struck in copper). In addition, a new Sesterius (struck in orichalcum brass) […]

The Pantheon

The Pantheon Marcus Agrippa constructed the original Pantheon in 27 BC, as a temple to all of the gods of Rome on the site known as the Campus Maritius. The Pantheon is truly one of the greatest architectural master pieces in Roman history. It has long been considered to be a marvel of design and execution, […]

Edmund – 855-870

St. Edmund 855-870 St. Edmund king of the East Angles from 855 to 870. He is said to have been distinguished for justice and piety. In 870 he was defeated and taken prisoner by the Danes, who caused him to be fastened to a tree, and to be shot to death with arrows. His head […]

Aethelweard – 840-855

Aethelweard King of East Anglia Circa 840-855 AD Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Silver Penny Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Aethelstan I – 825-840

Aethelstan King of East Anglia Circa 825-840 AD Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Silver Penny Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Eadwald – 798

Eadwald King of East Anglia Circa 798 AD Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Silver Sceat Monetary History of the World ©Martin A. Armstrong

Aethelberht – 794

Aethelberht King of East Anglia Died 794 AD Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Silver Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Beonna – 758

Beonna King of East Anglia Circa 758 AD Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Silver Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Ceolwulf II – 874-880

Ceolwulf II King of Mercia 874-880 AD Ceolwulf II was King of Mercia who reigned between 874 and 880 AD. Ceolwulf was the last of the great Mercian king to be chosen by the Danish overlords to rule the subordinate western half of the kingdom. Ceolwulf was eventually deposed in 880 AD and succeeded by […]