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Osbert – 862-867

Osbert Kings of Northumbria 862-867 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AE debased Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Redwulf – 858

Redwulf Kings of Northumbria 858 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AE debased Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Aethelred II – 854-858

Aethelred II Kings of Northumbria   First Reign 854-858 Second Reign 858-862   Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS  AE debased Sceat (first reign) AE debased Sceat (second reign) Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Eanred – 810-854

Eanred Kings of Northumbria 810-854 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Penny AE Debased Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Aelfwald I – 779-788

Aelfwald I Kings of Northumbria 779-788 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Sceat  Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Aethelred I – 774-779

Aethelred I Debased sceat 2nd reign Kings of Northumbria First reign 774-779 Fecond reign 789-796 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Sceat AR debased Sceat (second reign) Monetary History of the World ©  Martin A. Armstrong

Alcred – 765-774

Alcred Kings of Northumbria 765-774 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Eadberht – 737-75)

Eadberht Kings of Northumbria 737-758 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Aldfrith – 685-705

Aldfrith Kings of Northumbria 685-705 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AR Sceat Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Elizabeth II – 1952- Date

Elizabeth II 1952-Date Currently under construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AU Sovereign AR Crown AR Crown Churchill AR Half-Crown AR Florin AR Shilling AR Shilling (Scotish Type) AR Sixpence AR Threepence AE Penny AE Half Penny AE Farthing DECIMAL COINAGE AU 5 Pounds (Proof Only) AU 2 Pounds (Proof Only) AU Sovereign AU Half-Sovereign The Monetary […]