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James II – 1685-1688

James II 1685-1688 James II was the second son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France, was born October 15, 1633, and immediately created Duke of York. After the capture of Oxford by the parliamentary army, he escaped, and was conducted to his sister, the Princess of Orange. At that time he was 15 years of […]

Charles II – 1660-1685

Charles II 1660-1685 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AU Unit (20sh) AU Double Crown (10sh) AU Crown (5s) AR Half-Crown AR Shilling AR Sixpence AR Fourpence AR Threepence AR Twopence AR Penny MILLED COINAGE  AU 5 Guineas AU 2 Guineas AU Guinea AU Half-Guinea AR Crown AR Half-Crown AR Shilling AR Sixpence AR Fourpence […]

Commonwealth – 1649-1660

Commonwealth 1658-1660 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AU Unit (20sh) AU Double Crown (10sh)  AU Crown (5s)  AR Crown AR Half-Crown AR Shilling AR Sixpence AR Half Groat (2d) AR Penny AR Half Penny Oliver Cromwell AU 50 Shillings AU Broad (20sh)  AR Crown AR Half-Crown AR Shilling AR Sixpence AE Farthing The Monetary […]

Charles I – 1625-1649

Charles I 1625-1649 Currently Under Construction Monetary System DENOMINATIONS AU Triple Unit (60sh) AU Angel (10sh) AU Unit (20sh) AU Half Unite 1642 (10sh) AU Double Crown (10sh) AU Crown (5s) AR POUND [Oxford Mint] AR Crown AR Half-Crown AR Shilling AR Sixpence AR Threepence AR Groat (4d) AR Half Groat (2d) AR Penny AR […]

James I – 1603-1625

James I 1603-1625 James I. of England, and VI. of Scotland, was the son ofMary Queen of Scots, by Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, and was born June 19, 1566. In the following year Darnley was murdered, and Queen Mary being forced to resign the crown, James was solemnly crowned at Stirling, and all public acts ran […]

Elizabeth I -1558-1603

Elizabeth I 1558-1603   Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII., by his queen,Anne Boleyn, and was born at Greenwich, September 7, 1533. When three years of age she lost her mother, who was beheaded, and was herself immediately bastardized by Act of Parliament. By a later Act, however, the succession to the throne was conditionally […]

Philip and Mary – 1554-1558

Philip & Mary 1555-1558 Queen Mary (b 1516; 1553–1558) turned her attention at age 37 to finding a husband and producing an heir, to block her sister the Protestant Elizabeth from succeeding to the throne who was still her successor under the terms of Henry VIII’s will and the Act of Succession of 1544. While there were […]

Mary – 1553-1554

Mary 1553-1554 Mary was the eldest daughter of Henry VIII and his first queen, Catherine of Aragon, was born at Greenwich, in February, 1516. She was soon declared Princess of Wales, and was settled with a numerous household at Ludlow, where she was under the care of the Countess of Salisbury. Brought up in the Catholic faith, she […]

Edward VI – 1547-1553

Edward VI 1547-1553 Edward VI was the only son of Henry VIII, by his queen, Jane Seymour, was born at Hampton Court in 1537. His mother died soon after his birth. He was carefully educated, and had for tutors Sir Anthony Cooke and Sir John Cheke. He succeeded his father in 1547, but by reason of […]

Henry VIII – 1509-1547

Henry VIII 1509-1547 Henry VIII was the second son of Henry VII and his queen, Elizabeth of York, was born at Greenwich, in 1491. He was very early created Duke of York, and at four years of age was named Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. He became heir apparent on the death of his elder brother, Prince Arthur, in […]