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Herod III Antipater (Antipas)(4BC – 39 AD)

Herod III Antipater (born prior to 20BC; 4BC – 39 AD), known by the nickname Antipas, and was the son of Herod I the Great (c. 4 BC/1AD). Antipas was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch (“ruler of a quarter”) and is referred to as both “Herod the Tetrarch” […]

Herod Agrippa I (41-44AD)

Herod Agrippa I (born 11BC; ruled 41 – 44 AD) after Jesus was crucified. Agrippa I was the last King of Judea with the royal title reigning over Judea. He was also the father of Herod Agrippa II, who was the last King from the Herodian dynasty. Herod Agrippa I  was the grandson of Herod […]

Antipater I the Idumaean (Biblical Edom) (died 43 BC)

Antipater I the Idumaean (Biblical Edom) (died 43 BC), was the founder of the Herodian Dynasty. Judah Maccabee’s nephew Hyrcanus I actually forcibly converted the inhabitants of Idumaea to Judaism in the 2nd century BC. Antipater was the real power behind the throne of John Hyrcanus II (Yonatan) (63-40BC). During the course of the Roman Civil […]

Herod I the Great (40BC – c. 4 BC)

Herod I the Great (born 74/73 BC; 40 – c. 4 BC) was the son of Antipater I the Idumaean (died 43 BC), the founder of the Herodian Dynasty. Herod I became the Roman client king of Judea who is remembered for establishing the Herodian kingdom. During the course of the Roman Civil War between […]

Herod Philip (4BC—34AD) son of Herod I the Great

Herod Philip, (born 20 BC; ruled 4BC—34AD), was the son of Herod I the Great and his fifth wife, Cleopatra of Jerusalem who he most probably married her as a part of a political alliance, but she was not related to the Ptolemy Dynasty of Egypt.  When Herod I the Great died, the Roman Emperor Augustus (27BC-14AD) […]

The Judaea Move for Independence 66-70AD

QUESTION: Was the first Jewish revolt about taxes? I think you said it was previously. HJB ANSWER: Correct. While there were tensions over religion, what really began the crisis was taxation which was fueled also by the clash of dynasties in Judaea. The hatred of Roman taxation first emerged during the civil war between Octavian and Marc Antony and Cleopatra. To […]

What to Advise Your Children to Do in Seeking a Degree

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said that over 60% of graduates cannot find a job in what they have a degree. Is there any recommendation you would care to make on how to advise one’s children on what subject to pursue a degree? Thank you DF ANSWER: Engineering and Programming. I have NEVER met a CFO yet […]

Economic Confidence Model & Weather

QUESTION: Do you have any correlation illustrations between weather and your ECM? CG ANSWER: Yes. Here they are on a grand scale.

Hidden Order Inside the Chaos or “Noise”

QUESTION: Martin, I have been reading about machine learning recently and have come across a concept that I believe you might have figured out that no one else has. To quote Max Welling “The information we receive from the world has two components to it: there is the part of the information which does not carry […]

Divorce & Collapse of Socialism

COMMENT: Your article about the IRS invalidating your passport is correct….and more. I was working contract for our US DOS as an advisor a few years back in Colombia (2006-2009). My best friend and work with was summoned to the Bogata Embassy and his passport was confiscated, employment terminated and he was given a US […]