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Market Talk – February 21, 2019

  Asia: Reports from Asia state that China is proposing an agricultural deal worth up to 30 bn a year. This would mean that China would have to source products from the US such as soybeans, corn and wheat. However, this news has failed to inspire any excitement in the Chinese markets today as the […]

Market Talk – February 20, 2019

  Asia: The markets had a stronger sense of direction today compared to yesterday with the majority of the markets in the green. After Trump’s comments alluding to the 1st of March as being a date which wasn’t necessarily set in stone, the Nikkei 225 rose 60 bps and the Shanghai added 20 bps more. […]

Market Talk – February 19, 2019

  Asia: The Asian markets were mixed today. The Nikkei 225 rose by 10 bps and the Shanghai composite rose by 5 bps. The Kospi and Hang Seng slipped 24 bps and 42 bps respectively. A mixed day with the US-China trade deal still being a backdrop of the month. With the month end looming, […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2019

Asia: Asian markets jumped today at the idea of progression with the US – China trade talks. The event on the weekend of course helping when both President Trump and President Xi expressing pleasure regarding the progress using words such as “win-win” and “productive.” The Nikkei and Hang Seng both rallied circa 1.8% today. But […]

Where Does 2032 Come From?

QUESTION #1: Thank you for choosing to live the strength of your convictions – especially through the terrible dark days of your solitary confinement. Thank you for all that you are doing for those of us who choose to watch, think and learn. For over a decade I have been reading that China will replace the […]

Market Talk – February 15, 2019

  Asia: The week ended on a disappointing note for the Asian markets from an otherwise relatively decent weekly return. The Nikkei 225 declined 1.08%, but managed to increase 2.81% for the week. The Shanghai declined 1.37% today. US and Chinese trade talks have yet to come to a conclusion with the situation crossing the […]

Australia: One Foot in Asia v the West

QUESTION: Hello Martin Armstrong, Australia seems to have one foot in the West and one in the East. With the fall of the Western economies and then the rise of Asian economies, how does that affect the Australian economy? Does the real estate bubble collapse the Aussie economies and then the rise of China creates the […]

Market Talk – February 13, 2019

Asia: The Asian markets had another good day today with the Nikkei increasing 1.34%. This puts the 12-month rolling value at minus 5 bps. Compare this to the Shanghai index, which was down 14.94%! Regardless, all Asian indices find themselves in positive territory for the last 30 days with the Hang Seng climbing 8.36%. Today, […]

Market Talk – February 12, 2019

  Asia: A stellar day all-around in Asia, but the Japanese markets enjoyed the majority of the region’s gains. The Nikkei 225 shot up 2.61% today – playing catch up as the market was closed yesterday. Three markets produced double digit growth today: Taiyo Yuden, Haseko, and Tokai Carbon. One of the more recognizable names, […]

Market Talk – February 11, 2019

  Asia: Foundation Day is a day designed to mark the celebration of the founding of a nation. In the case of Japan, this is for the mythological foundation of Japan and the accession of its first Emperor Jimmu. For this occasion, the markets were closed in Japan. Therefore, we would like to extend our […]