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Using Pollution to Manufacture “Climate Change”

  Massive chunks of ice have come on shore at Cape Cod. The Global Warming nut-jobs are attributing this too to “Climate Change” caused by man. The fascinating aspect is they cannot explain their theory beyond 1900. They totally ignore basic physics that the sun is a thermal dynamic system which beats like your heart. […]

Can the Euro Survive Beyond 2018?

It is only a matter of time until the Euro collapses sinking into the abyss. The French presidential election could be the straw that starts the disintegration of the Euro. The reason is very clear. The economic abyss with youth unemployment over 60% warns there is the complete failure to create new jobs and overall 20% […]

US Vows No Default over Debt Ceiling Debate

  QUESTION: Marty, will there by a spike high in US sovereign debt or just a low in rates overall? It also is starting to appear your influence is everywhere. Now a lot of people are clearly referring to this as a debt bubble. The media does not quote you, but it looks like a […]

Symmetry Ukraine and Vladimir regarding Russia

We are reminded from a Russian reader regarding symmetry that the founder of Russia was Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (c. 958 – 15 July 1015) and hence today we have Vladimir Putin. The symmetry is even a bit deeper than just that the first names match. Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great prince of Novgorod, grand prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus’ […]

Leader of Largest Party in France Wants to Exit the Euro

The boss of the French National Front, Marine Le Pen, wants France’s withdrawal from the euro in the case of an election victory. She says that France would be competitive with the Franc. Her party is now the largest in France. Wait for 2015.75. The other side of that business cycle should turn up the […]

Civil War Brewing Inside Republican Party

I have been warning that our computer has been projecting a rise in Third Party Activity for 2016. There couldn’t possibly be a worse character at the head of the Republican Party than John Boehner. He is all for Washington and maintaining the status quo.  Tea Party Republicans are now contemplating a coup to oust […]

The Euro – Destined for 80 cents?

QUESTION: Marty, my hat is off to you mate. You are spot on about politically-correct forecasting. There was nobody out there but you saying the Euro was heading back to par. Yet not a single mainstream media will dare write an article about you or that forecast. It is more than the Bank of England […]

US v Europe Divergence

  A lot of questions have come in regarding this subject. Keep in mind that we have two aspects converging (1) Cycle of War targeting 2017, and (2) the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The first has also the Civil Unrest v International Conflict. This divergence need not simply be just international war, although Obama seems so […]

US v Europe – the Divergence

QUESTION: Dear Martin I hope your well and having a good 2015 thus far. I don’t know whether you planned it but after your post regarding people trying to pass your work off as their own a funny thing happened. I was at a luncheon in London with some so called “important” and knowledgeable figures. The […]

Analysis – NEVER Give Up

QUESTION: Hi Marty,   The unbelievable amounts of research you have done and the knowledge you impart on your blog is just amazing, and is what inspired me to start trying to analyse markets and make forecasts of my own. Your personal grasp of the big picture and the computer system you have subsequently designed […]