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The Rise of Populism – Here to Stay

QUESTION: With the Netherlands voting against Wilders, do you think the tide is turning? Will Europe survive? ANSWER: It may have been a huge sigh of relief for the global socialists/progressives with the loss of Geert Wilders on March 15th, but there is a clear undertone of rising discontent within Europe. Likewise, the AfD in Germany […]

Market Talk- March 22nd, 2017

Having seen a 1% decline from the US session, Asia started weak and never looked back. The Nikkei lost over 2.2% with the JPY rallying into the 111’s. The session was already weak, but the added tension of the North Korean missile test certainly did not help matters. In Tokyo, the BOJ minutes were released […]

Market Talk- March 21st, 2017

The market talk today was not really so much of Asia when you look back from US closing terms, so therefor, we shall jump to events around midday in Europe. Earlier in the London trading day we had seen UK inflation data and the surprise 2.3% reading, especially given the previous release was at 1.8%. […]

Market Recap

Our Target for a turning point was February and that may indeed produce the highest monthly closing. The intraday high came on March 1st, but looking forward we are due for that correction we warned going into the April/May time period. The talk seems to be concern that Trump is being attacked on all sides […]

Why the Crash & Burn is Public not Private

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned the crash and burn applies to government assets, not private sector assets. Can the private sector stand on it’s own two feet? Thanks again, MB ANSWER: There are times when the private sector cannot stand and everyone runs to bonds/cash. Likewise, there are times when government can no longer stand […]

Market Talk- March 17th, 2017

  Given the mixed to small lower session seen in the US, the reaction it had on Asia was understandably a marginally weaker theme. Eventually, we saw losses in the Nikkei (-0.35%) and Shanghai (-0.95%) but gains for ASX (+0.25%) and Hang Seng (+0.1%). The geopolitical concerns are still present between China and Japan over […]

Market Talk- March 16th, 2017

The weaker USD was blamed for the rally seen in Asian stocks today, with many also saying it was about time! The mood within Asia certainly feels nervous and even with the BOJ press conference, the trend remained to purchase Yen as a safety option. Towards the close of the US session however, after a […]

Trump – Dollar & Why He Will Fail

QUESTION: Hi Martin, How is the dollar supposed to continue to rise when Trump and all of his cabinet members want a weaker dollar? They constantly blame others with currency manipulation, all the while they are in fact manipulating the dollar lower with their comments. Hello pot, meet kettle!!! The last 2 Fridays the dollar has […]

Money or Government – Which is the Problem?

QUESTION: Hugo Salinas Price raised the introduction of silver as a duel currency in Mexico. The 1 ounce coin with no number of pesos listed on it (possible no date either) would be a dual currency. The value, like gold and silver bullion, would be listed each day so everyone would know the value. If the […]

Can the EU Return to just a Trade Union?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, When the EU reaches their “Oh shit!” moment will it be able to devolve back into an Economic union? Is there any possibility that the fall in the Euro will rescue the EU? Regards, F ANSWER: Human nature seems to dictate that will not happen. The attempt by the elite to force a […]