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Henry VII – 1485-1509

Henry VII 1485-1509 Henry VII was the son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond, and his wife, Margaret Beaufort, a descendant of the eldest son of John of Gaunt and thus the first sovereign of the Tudor line. Henry was born most likely at Pembroke Castle, in the year 1456, the same year of his […]

Richard III -1483-1485

Richard III 1483-1485 Richard III was the brother of Edward IV and youngest son of Richard, Duke of York, was born at Fotheringay Castle in 1450. Soon after the accession of Edward IV. he was created Duke of Gloucester, K.G., and lord high admiral though only in his eleventh year. Other dignities and offices were afterwards conferred […]

Edward V – 1483

Edward V 1483 Edward V was the eldest son of Edward IV, and his queen Elizabeth, was born in the Sanctuary at Westminster, November 4th, 1470. He was created Prince of Wales and Earl of Ludlow and succeeded his father, April 9th, 1483. He was at the time at Ludlow, and while on his way to […]

Edward IV – 1st reign, 1461-1470

Edward IV 1461-1470 Edward IV was the son of Richard, Duke of York. Edward was born at Rouen in the year 1441. When Edward came of age, a fierce struggle between the Houses of York and Lancaster was underway, which would embroil England in a bitter civil war. During this period of turmoil, Edward proved […]

Henry VI – 1st reign, 1422-1461

Henry VI 1422-1461 Restored to throne 1470-1471 Henry VI was the only son of Henry V and his queen, Katherine of France, and was born at Windsor, in 1421. At the age of nine months be succeeded his father, 1st September, 1422, the government being intrusted to his uncles the Dukes of Gloucester and Bedford, of whom […]

Henry V – 1413-1422

Henry V 1413-1422 Henry V was the son of Henry IV. He was born in 1388, and succeeded his father to the throne of England in 1413. It is usually said that his dissipated habits while a prince gave his father great uneasiness ; but he frequently displayed noble traits of character, and on ascending the throne […]

Henry IV – 1399-1413

Henry IV 1399-1413 Henry IV was born in 1366 the son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, who was the fourth son of Edward III. During the reign of Richard II, Henry was made Earl of Derby and Duke of Hereford. A personal dispute broke out between Henry and the Duke of Norfolk, who he accused […]

Richard II – 1377-1399

Richard II 1377-1399 Richard II was son of Edward the Black Prince, by his wife, Joan, called ‘ The Fair Maid of Kent,’ and was born at Bordeaux, in February, 1366. his father died in 1376, and he was created Prince of Wales ; succeeding his grandfather,Edward III, on the throne, 22nd June, 1377. During his minority the […]

Edward III – 1327-1377

Edward III 1327-1377 Edward III was the eldest son of Edward II and Isabella of France was born at Windsor in 1312, and succeeded to the throne, on the deposition of his father, in 1327. Although a regency was appointed, the chief power was held by the queen and her paramour, Roger Mortimer, Earl of […]

Edward II – 1307-1327

Edward II 1307-1327 Edward II was the son of Edward I. He was born at Carnarvon (Caernarfon) in the year 1284. He succeeded his father in 1307, but was largely governed by his ministers, Piers Gaveston and the Despensers. This fact largely provoked rebellion during his reign on the part of the barons who rose up […]