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Edward I – 1272-1307

Edward I Longshanks 1272-1307 Edward I (Longshanks) was the eldest son of Henry III and his queen, Eleanor of Provence. Edward was born in 1239 and at the age of only ten he was named governor of Gascony. In 1254, Edward was married to the Princess Eleanor of Castile. Edward began to take a prominent role in matters of […]

Henry III – 1216-1272

Henry III 1216-1272 Henry III., King of England, eldest son of King John and Isabella of Angoulême, was born at Winchester in 1207. He succeeded his father in 1216 and was crowned at Gloucester, in the presence of Gualo, the papal legate, predecessor of Pandulf and one of the guardians of the young king, 28th October of […]

John – 1199-1216

John 1199-1216 John was the youngest son of Henry II by Eleanor of Guienne, and was born in 1166. Early named governor of Ireland, he was sent over, in 1185, to complete its conquest, but such was his imprudence that it was found necessary to recall him; and on the death of his father he was left […]

Richard I – 1189-1199

Richard I The Lionheart 1189-1199 Richard I, surnamed Cœur de Lion, was born 1157, and ascended the throne on the death of his father, Henry II, Sept. 3rd, l189. He had previously taken the cross, and now resolved to fulfil his vow in the fields of Palestine for which object he raised money by the sale […]

Henry II – 1154-1189

Henry II 1154-1189 Henry II was the first of the Plantagenet line of English Kings. Henry was the eldest son of Geoffrey, Earl of Anjou, and his wife, the ex-Empress Matilda, daughter of Henry I, and was born at Mans, in March, 1133. He received his education in England, under the care of his uncle Robert, Earl […]

Civil War – 1138-1153

Civil War Monetary System DENOMINATIONS NEWARK  AR Half-Crown AR Shilling AR Ninepence AR Sixpence PONTEFRACT  AR 2 Shillings AR Shilling RICHMOND  AE Farthing AE Farthing (Strip of 2) Monetary History of the World  © Martin A. Armstrong

Stephen – 1135-1154

Stephen 1135-1154 Stephen was the son of Stephen, Count of Blois, by Adela, fourth daughter of William the Conqueror, was born in 1104. On the death of Henry I he immediately came over from Normandy to England; and laid claim to the crown, although he had been one of the most zealous in taking the oath for securing […]

Henry I -1100-1135

Henry I 1100-1135 Henry I., King of England, surnamed, on account of his superior education, Beauclerc, was the youngest son ofWilliam the Conqueror, and was born at Selby, in Yorkshire, in 1068. Jealousies and dissensions early broke out between him and his elder brothers, Robert and William (Rufus), and on the sudden mysterious death of William […]

William II – 1087-1100

William II The Ruddy 1087-1100 William II (Rufus) was third son of William I, the Conquerer. William was born in Normandy around the year 1060. He was educated by Lanfranc who later became the archbishop of Canterbury. William appears to have been his father’s favourite and upon his father’s death, he set sail for England and […]

William I – 1066-1087

William I The Conquerer 1066-1087 William the Conquerer was the son of Robert, Duke of Normandy. William was born at Falaise in the year 1027. He was raised at the court of the King of France, and succeeded to the duchy at the age of only eight. William, while Duke of Normandy, was married to […]