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Empires of the East

Byzantium India Persia Syria

Coinage of the Second Jewish Revolt Against Rome 132-135AD

Judaea Second Revolt against Roman Domination 132-135 AD The various historical sources differ as to the specific provocation which sparked the Second Jewish Revolt.Dio Cassius cites Hadrian’s foundation of a Roman colony, Aelia Capitolina, at Jerusalem, involving the blasphemy of a shrine of Jupiter Capitolinus on the ruins of the Herodian Temple; however Jewish sources suggest this […]

Judaea First Revolt Against Rome

Monetary History of Judaea First Revolt   While there were tensions over religion, what really began the crisis was taxation which was fueled also by the clash of dynasties in Judaea. The hatred of Roman taxation first emerged during the civil war between Octavian and Marc Antony and Cleopatra. To fund an army, Antony and […]

Pre- Roman

Monetary History of Judaea Pre-Rome History Currently under construction The Monetary History of the World ©  Martin A. Armstrong


Monetary History of Judaea Monetary System Pre-Roman Alexander Jannacus (103-76BC) first king of Hasmonacan Dynasty Judah Aristobulus II (67-64BC) John Hyrcanus II (67, 63-40BC) Mattathias Antigonos II (40 – 37 BC) Antipater I the Idumaean Herod I the Great (40 – c. 4 BC) Herod Archelaus (4BC-6AD) Herod Philip (4BC-34AD) Herod Antipas (4BC-40AD) Herod Agrippa I (37-44AD) 1st Revolt under […]

French Revolution 1789 & Assignats

Monetary History of France   The French Revolution erupted out of a major debt crisis thanks to the government’s reckless borrowing. France was threatened with insurmountable debt that brought the economy to its knees. The people were plunged into starvation and revolts began in the countryside.  King Louis XVI (1754 – 1793) convened the French […]


Monetary History of Egypt Before coins started to circulate in ancient Egypt after its conquest by Alexander the Great in 334 BC, there was perhaps the first monetary system in the world where a form of paper money emerged. There was a unit of account based on weights of gold, silver and copper whereby they […]

Great Empires

Greece Egypt Carthage Judaea



The Ionian Uprising (Ephesus) By the year 500 B.C. the Persian authority on Ionian cities had weakened. After an unsuccessful attempt by satrap of Sardes (regional governor of Persian controlled states) to take control of the island of Nacsos, a rebellion spirit had started to rise amongst the Ionian city-states. The tyrant of Ephesus Aristagoras […]