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Shanghai 1930 Gold Backed Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what were the gold custom units issued by the Bank of China with the image of Sun Yat-sen. PHR ANSWER: The Customs Gold Unit (CGU) was the first peg to the US dollar. Here we have China issuing currency backed by the US dollar. It was a currency issued by the Central Bank of […]

Celtic Gold Ring Money Discovered in Ireland

Gold rings were discovered in Ireland and they seem to be uncertain about their original use. The Celts did not create their own coins for many centuries. They used ring money which is commonly found throughout Europe, north of Italy. Celtic ring money is typically bronze. However, it is known that the Minoians sailed into […]

Passports & 6 Month Rule

COMMENT: Just to chime in, I discovered the 6 month rule when I tried to fly from Toronto to LA. They would not let me on the plane. REPLY: It appears that if you are Canadian and drive across the border that seems to be OK. But if you fly, then they do all the checks […]

Passion Governs, but She Never Governs Wisely

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I recently watched the Conspirator about the assassination of Lincoln and the military trial they held for the assassins. Secretary of War Stanton was a ruthless and a vengeful man as portrayed in the film. Your case came to mind how they would never allow you to go to trial and it […]

Comey was Protecting Obama as Well

  Hillary used a private email because that would not be “discoverable” without a subpoena of her personally. Her fundraising for the Clinton Foundation was all protected by her private emails and it allowed her to solicit money from foreign governments. As soon as she lost, the funding stopped. The revelations from the Inspector General […]

Cloning License Plates to Avoid Traffic Fines

If there is a possible scam, someone will always figure it out. In Australia, they hunt money with unbelievable audacity and hand out tickets to motorists for everything. Someone has figured out a way to beat the government at its own game. They are cloning valid license plates and then racking up the fines. A BMW […]

The Origin of Contagions lies in the Common Reserve Currency

The question of money supply and inflation has been erroneously set in stone philosophically predominantly by the debasement of Spain and Britain during the period of Henry VIII. This was really a period where there were various countries and their currency completely relied on the exchange market in Amsterdam, which was based entirely upon their metal […]

Russian Summit Lining Up with ECM

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Hope this finds you well. Long time follower of your site. Though I don’t always agree with your conclusions, I value your site as a great source of ideas that challenge my conceptions of how things work. Keep up the good work. Having just read the story on the front page of […]

Should Mental Tests be Required for Politicians?

Sheila Jackson Lee is a politician of the Democrat Party. She is currently the U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district, serving since 1995. The district includes most of central Houston. There are no qualifications to be a politician and the degree of incompetence seems to be more of a disease in government over the […]

ABC News Anchor Leaves Because of Fake News

  One of the prominent faces of ABC news has been Brian Ross, one of their star investigative correspondents. He has been forced to resign because he embarrassed the network late last year when he did an on-air report suggesting former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had been told by President Donald Trump to make […]