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Will the Democrats Self-Destruct?

QUESTION: What did you think of the Democratic debate. It looks like they are just preoccupied with hating Trump they have lost touch with reality. You previously said that the Democrats could collapse as a party after 2020. Does that seem likely? PH ANSWER: I know the press is spinning this that Trump will surely […]

Will the Elite Wake Up in Time & Confront The Left Climate Fear Campaigns?

I have had some interesting conversations of late with people I would say are among the power-brokers who tend to pour money into the pockets of politicians to get a favored status. There is a rising concern that perhaps in Europe they have assumed this was just fear politics about climate and they have ignored […]

Market Talk – September 13, 2019

ASIA: Hong Kong’s $37 billion bid to takeover the London Stock Exchange (LSE) was rejected this Friday. The LSE board unanimously rejected the bid due to “fundamental flaws.” Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) had hoped the deal would “create a truly global market infrastructure group connecting the East and West.” Recent reports suggest that […]

Stocks Rise with Rising Interest Rates & Fall with Lower Rates

QUESTION: I mentioned that you said the stock market rallies with rising rates and declines with lower rates to an analyst. He said you were wrong and everyone knows that is not true and President Trump just came out calling on the Fed to lower rates to zero or negative. You have only shown 1929 […]

Is it Our Time to Rock & Roll?

QUESTION: Marty, Sometime you compare today’s financial markets and economy to what was going on in the mid to late 1920s . Woodrow Wilson is even referenced concerning the flight of capital and of course that flight came to the United States. You also say that the global markets and economy are unlike anything in […]

Market Talk – September 12, 2019

ASIA: US President Trump announced today that they will delay any tariffs on around 250 billion USD worth of Chinese goods as a “gesture of goodwill” ahead of the talks next month. China yesterday announced they will remove tariffs on 17 US products ranging from medicine to produce. According to a White House official, they […]

Market Talk – September 11, 2019

ASIA: Finally, some positive news from the US and China trade war as China announced they will exempt 16 categories of products from US tariffs today ahead of the meeting early next month. The two main categories of products were seafood and medicines related to cancer, perhaps looking at these products as more of a […]

Market Talk – September 10, 2019

ASIA: In a strategy to open Chinese markets to the international investors, China scrapped the rule that limits international funds to purchase Chinese stocks and bonds. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange said today that it has removed the 300 billion USD cap on international purchases of the assets. This is a significant step in […]

Market Talk – September 9, 2019

ASIA: US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said today that the US and China has a “conceptual” agreement on enforcement concerns, stating positive progress has already been made. He did also mention an area of concern which is Chinese currency practices, and confirmed it will be a topic of focus when the two countries officials meet […]

Currency That Expires – That’s the Solution – Or Just Cancel it all?

Back during the Great Depression, there were people who theorized that gold hoarding was preventing an economic recovery. There is always this same theory that people who save, hoarding their money, cause a lack of a recovery by suppressing demand. This theory has been around for a very long time. It assumes a recovery is […]