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Monetary History of Sicily  Segesta Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong


Monetary History of Sicily   Naxos Naxos was the first Greek colony to be founded in Sicily around 734 BC. The colonists originated from Euboia (Chalkidians). Naxos was located on the rich and fertile upper west coast of Sicily in the shaddow of Mt Etna. Despite being the first Greek colony, Naxos also lived in […]


Monetary History of Sicily Messana Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong


Monetary History of Sicily Silver Tetradrachm 480-475 BC Leontinoi The city state of Leontinoi was found in 729 BC by Chalkidans who migrated from Naxos. The monetary system of this city state did not take form until about 480 BC when it came under the rule of Gelon the tyrant of Syracuse. As we can […]


Monetary History of Sicily Catania Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong


Monetary History of Sicily Calabria Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong


Monetary History of Sicily Akragas Akragas, modern day Agrigento (to the Romans Agrigentum), according to legend, was founded by Daedalus and grew to become a wealthy and powerful state on the southern coast of Sicily. These colonists from Gela became very prosperous and the city was famous for its lavish lifestyle. Part of the great […]


Monetary History of Sicily Ancient Cities of Sicily Akragas Calabria Catania Leontion Messana Naxos Segesta Selinus Syracuse Tauromenion Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Darius III – 338-339 BC

Monetary History of Persia Darius III 336-331 BC Darius III, as known as Codomannus, was born about 380 BC. This king of Persia was the great grandson of Darius II. Darius III ascended to the throne of Persia due to the benefit of an internal place plot. Artaxerxes III was the successor of Artaxerxes II and […]

Cyrus the Younger – 404-401 BC

Monetary History of Persia Cyrus the Younger Usurper 404-401 BC Son of Darius II Cyrus the Younger was born about 424 BC the son of Darius II, king of Persia, and brother of Artaxerxes II(reigned 404-358? BC). In 408 BC, Cyrus was made satrap (governor) of the Persian provinces in western Asia Minor. At this time, he was also given […]