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Artaxerxes II – 404-358 BC

Monetary History of Persia Artaxerxes II 404-358 BC Son of Darius II Artaxerxes II was the son of Darius II, king of Persia, and brother of Cyrus the Younger. In 404 BC, upon the death of his father, Artaxerxes II ascended to the throne of Persia. At first, his younger brother Cyrus was planning a revolt, but […]

Darius II – 423-404 BC

Monetary History of Persia Darius II 423-404 BC Illegitimate son of Xerxes Darius II, otherwise known as “Ochus” at birth, was an illegitimate son of Xerxes. For this reason, the Greeks referred to him as Nothos, meaning “bastard.” At the time of his father’s death in 423 BC, Darius II was a satrap of the province […]

Xerxes – 486-450 BC

Monetary History of Persia Xerxes-Artaxerxes I 486-450 BC BC Xerxes I was the son of King Darius I and Atossa, daughter of Cyrus the Great. Xerxes was born about 519 BC. He succeeded to the Persian throne upon the death of his father in 486 BC. At first. Xerxes was faced with a rebellion in Egypt, which […]

Darius I – 510-486 BC

Monetary History of Persia Darius I 510-486 BC Darius I, The Great was the son of the Persian noble Hystaspes who was a member of a royal Persian family, the Achaemenids. Darius I was born about 558 BC. Upon the death of King Cambyses II in 522 BC (his brother-in-law), Gaumata, a Magian priest, attempted to take the […]

Cyrus the Great – 550-529 BC

Monetary History of Persia Cyrus the Great 550-529 BC King of Persia Cyrus the Great was born circa 600 BC the son of Cambyses I, a descendant of Achaemenes (Hakhamanish) and a member of the Achaemenid dynasty. Cyrus became ruler of the Persian district of Anshan in 558 BC, which was subject to the Medes. About 553 BC, […]

Cambyses I – 600-559 BC

Monetary History of Persia Cambyses I Circa 600-559 BC Cambyses I was a Persian king of the Achaemenid dynasty who ruled (circa 600-559 BC). He was the son of Cyrus I. His kingdom was Anshan (a Province in modern Iraq) as a vassal of the Medes who were the true rulers over Persia. Cambyses I succeeded his […]


Monetary History of The Persian Empire Cambyses I – 600-559 BC Cyrus the Great – 550-529 BC Darius I – 510-486 BC Xerxes – 486-450 BC Darius II – 423-404 BC Artaxerxes II – 404-358 BC Cyrus the Younger – 404-401 BC Darius III – 338-339 BC Persian Empire falls to Alexander the Great 339 […]

Perseus – 179-168 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Perseus 179-168 BC More Coming Soon Monetary System AR Tetradrachm (17 grams) AR Tetradrachm (15.5 grams) AR Didrachm (8.5 grams) AR Drachm (4.25 grams) AE19 AE16 AE14 Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

T. Quinctius Flamininus – 197 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia T. Quinctius Flamininus Roman General 197 BC Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Philip V – 221-179 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Silver Tetradrachm (Portrait of Philip V) Philip V 221-179 BC Philip V was the son of Demetrios II (239-229 BC) who had ruled Macedonia during a very troubled period. Demetrios II fell in battled against the Dardanians in 229 BC. as the Barbarian invasions from the North had resumed. Philip V was still […]