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Antigonos Doson – 229-221 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Antigonos Doson 239-221 BC Coming Soon Monetary History of the World  © Martin A. Armstrong

Demetrios II – 239-229 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Demetrios II 239-229 BC Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Antigonos Gonatas – 277-239 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Antigonos Gonatas 277-239 BC Monetary System AR Tetradrachm(17 grams) AR Drachm 3.43 grams) AE 20 AE 17 Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Interregnum – 288-277 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Interregnum (288-277 BC) Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Demetrios Peliorketes – 294-288 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Demetrius Poliorcetes “The Besieger” 294-288 BC Demetrius I Poliorcetes (“the besieger”) (c.337-283 BC) was the son of Antignos I the One-Eyed. He aided his father in what became the epic wars of theDiadochi (dìàd´ekì) [=successors]. In 308 BC, Demetrius I succeeded in defeating Ptolemy I of Egypt in a naval battle off the coast […]

Kassander – 319-297 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Kassander 319-297 BC In 297 BC, Kassander (Cassander) (358-297 BC) was born in 358 BC the son of Antipater, regent of Macedonia appointed by Alexander the Great. Upon the death of his father, Kassander succeeded to the throne of Macedonia in 316 BC – a position he would hold until his own death. Kassander was […]

Philip III Arrhidaeus – 323-317 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Alexander III The Great – 339-323 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Alexander III The Great (339-323 BC) Alexander was born to the Olympias and Philip II. According to legend, Alexander was born on the same day as the Temple to Artemis at Ephesus (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.) was burned down. No one knows for certain, but it […]

Philip II – 382-336 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Philip II (382-336 BC) Philip II of Macedonia (382-336 BC) was king of Macedonia between 359 and 336 BC. and father of Alexander the Great. Philip was born in the city of Pella, which was the capital of ancient Macedonia. Philip II was held as a hostage by the rival Greek […]

Perdikkas III – 365-359 BC

Monetary History of Macedonia Perdikkas III 365-359 BC Coming Soon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong