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Ptolemy II- 285-246 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy II Philadelphus 316 – 271 B.C. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (“brotherly” or “Brother/Sister-loving”), was the second ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty and the son of Ptolemy I and Berenice I who died before 283 BC. He became joint ruler with his father two years before his death in 283 BC. Ptolemy […]

Ptolemy I – 305-283 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy I Soter (367?-283 BC) As king of Egypt 305 – 283 BC General of Alexander The Great Founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty Upon the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC at the age of 32, the newly created Greek Empire fragmented. No one general or heir was strong […]

By Ruler

Monetary History of Egypt By Ruler Ptolemy I- 305-283 BC Ptolemy II- 285-246 BC Arsinoe II- 305-283 BC Ptolemy III- 246-221 BC Berenike II- 246-221 BC Ptolemy IV- 221-204 BC Arsinoe III- 221-204 BC Ptolemy V- 204-180 BC Cleopatra I- 204-180 BC Ptolemy VI- 180-145 BC Cleopatra II- 180-145 BC Ptolemy VII- 145-144 BC Ptolemy […]

Ptolemaic Dynasty

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Coming Soon See Individual Histories on Previous Menu Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong


Monetary History of Egypt Origins The monetary history of Egypt appears to be one based upon agriculture. Egyptian sources indicate that a vibrant banking industry emerged whereby the state provided warehouses in which farmers deposited their grain. In turn, the farmer would receive a “deposit receipt” reflecting how much wealth was held by the bank […]


The Monetary History of Egypt By Martin A. Armstrong Origins Ptolemaic Dynasty By Ruler Monetary History of the World ©Martin A. Armstrong

Battle of Marathon

Monetary History of Athens Battle of Marathon Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong

Age of Pericles

Monetary History of Athens Pericles Pericles was an Athenian statesman and general, who ruled for 32 years as Athens’ most prominent leader. His father, Xanthippus, was a distinguished soldier and political leader. His mother was the niece of Cleisthenes, a great political reformer. Surrounded by people who were both respected and influential, Pericles began his […]

Arcahic Period

Monetary History of Athens Part I For most of the mid to late 6th century BC, Athens was under the rule of the tyrants Peisistratos, Hippias and Hipparchos. During this period, the monetary system in Athens consisted of exclusively silver coinage struck in three denominations beginning about 545 BC. The drachm was the basic unit […]


Monetary History of Athens Arcahic Period Age of Pericles Battle of Marathon