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Leontius – 484-488 AD

Leontius 484-488AD Syrian Usurper crowned by Aelia Verina In 479AD, the Emperor Zeno’s mother-in-law, the meddlesome dowager Empress Aelia Verina, who was the widow of the former Emperor Leo I, began a quest of political intrigue against Zeno for the second time. Verina set about to convince her other son-in-law Marcian, son of the late Western Emperor Anthemius, to raise […]

Zeno And Leo – Sons

Zeno & Leo Caesars Sons of Basiliscus Zeno and Leo are the names of the young princes who have not been recorded by any of the ancient historians. Their names are discovered in the record of the coinage of the period. Based upon an altered obverse die of the gold tremissis denomination, it has been […]

Zenonis – Wife

Aelia Zenonis Wife of Basiliscus Aelia Zenonis was the wife of Basiliscus and mother of Marcus. Her husband was the brother of the Empress Aelia Verina, the wife of the former Emperor Leo I. Verina convinced her husband to join with her in revolt against Zeno, Verina”s son-in-law. At first they were successful and Basiliscus was proclaimed Emperor at Constantinople […]

Basiliscus – 475-476 AD

Basiliscus 475-476 AD Brother of Verina Usurper against Zeno Basiliscus was the brother of the Empress Aelia Verina, wife of the former Emperor Leo I and mother-in-law of the Emperor Zeno. Basiliscus was appointed commander of the great armada which was sent against the Vandals in 468 AD. However, following the failure of that expedition, which was due his own incompetence, […]

Ariadne – Wife

Aelia Ariadne 474-491 AD Empress of East Wife of Zeno Daughter of Leo I & Verina Aelia Ariadne was the eldest daughter of Emperor Leo l and Aelia Verina. Ariadne was married to Zeno in 467 AD. She bore a son named after his grandfather Leo II who became heir to the throne. She also may have bore two other sons named Zeno […]

Zeno – 474-491 AD

Zeno 474-481 AD Emperor of the East Zeno was an Isaurian Chieftain named Tarasicodissa. He came to Constantinople during the reign of Leo I where he first changed his name to Zeno. In 467 AD, Zeno married the Emperor’s eldest daughter, Ariadne who bore him a son, the future Emperor Leo II. The Emperor Leo I had no heir […]

Romulus Augustus – 475-476 AD

Romulus Augustus 465-476 AD Last of the Western Emperors Romulus was the young son of the Master of Soldiers, Orestes, who had been appointed to the post by Emperor Julius Nepos. His father, Orestes, had once worked in the service of Attila the Hun, acting as his secretary. Orestes was an ambitious man and decided […]

Julius Nepos – 474-475 (480) AD

Julius Nepos Emperor of the West 473-475 AD Emperor in Exile 477-480 AD Julius Nepos was the son of the Magister Militum, Nepotianus. His mother was the sister of the semi-independent Magister Militum of Dalmatia, Marcellinus. Julius became the heir to Marcellinus receiving his post in Dalmatia. He married into the royal family by taking […]

Glycerius – 473-474 AD

Flavius Glycerius 473-474 AD Puppet Emperor Installed by Gundobad Flavius Glycerius bore the rank of Comes Domesricorom (Count of the Domestics) in the West during the brief reign of Olybrius, after whose death yet another lengthy interregnum ensued for over four months when the throne was vacant. Ricimer, de facto ruler of the West for the previous one and a half […]

Olybrius – 472 AD

Olybrius 472 AD Installed as Emperor by Ricimer Husband of Placidia, Daughter of Valentinian III Anicius Olybrius was descended from the great senatorial family of the Anicii. Quintus Olybrius, one of his ancestors, had been Governor of Campania and then Africa, followed by holding the Praetorian Prefect between 378-379 AD. Olybrius himself was a Senator […]