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Former IRS Employees Can Still Access Your Personal Tax Info

To all those people who think it’s OK for the government to collect data for they have nothing to hide, well beside the reports that staff at the NSA wrote programs to collect nude photos women may be sending their boyfriends, now it comes out that the security at the IRS is less than a […]

Where to Hide – Public v Private

QUESTION: There’s a point I’ve been trying to understand and every time that I read your writings I’m staying more and more confused: How it will be possible with the deflation that already affects several countries, with the bubble burst the bonds, with the financial economic chaos that will destroy several companies, bankruptcy of business, […]

Surviving Your Own Trading Decisions – You Can Be Your Worst Enemy

  One of the biggest reasons people will lose money trading is they are too biased and it becomes a struggle against a particular market. Be it gold and fighting against the downtrend or something like the DAX and fighting against a rally. Whenever you are on the opposite side of a trend, you are […]

The Ice Age Cometh

This is the picture the corrupt scientists have been using to get their hands on billions of dollars. We do not know where this photo was even taken. Nevertheless, they have used this to launch their campaign. There are many theories on both sides. All I know is rather simple. The sun is a thermodynamic […]

The Man Destroying the Republican Party

Boehner’s New Strategy: Enlist Democrats First, Not Last The man who will split the Republican Party is none other than John Boehner. He is the Game Show Host of Politics and it is always his way or now way. The barely won the house election and that was possible only because it came the day […]

The Fed – Rates – Objectives

  U.S. stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve suggested a less aggressive timeline for raising interest rates even as it opened the door for the first hike in almost a decade. The Fed has come under lobbying from other countries not to raise rates. The Fed will comply for now, but when the […]

Austria to Default on Debt of 10.2 billion Euros

The province of Carinthia in Austria with its multibillion-dollar commitments for the former Hypo Alpe Adria, is presenting the classic problem. Does the state honor its guarantees, or does it simply say sorry, we never really guaranteed that. The state government is looking to default of its debt of €10.2 billion euro guarantees. This is […]

The Majority Are Just Fools

In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from? Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their wealth through lucrative book deals and high-six figure fees for speaking gigs. Now, Peter Schweizer shows who is really behind those […]

Sophistry & Confusion over the Fed

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; There are those who argue that the Fed caused the booms in the developing countries by lowering interest rates that resulted in them borrowing in dollars making the world now short the dollar and thus have enslaved the world to the dollar. Therefore, they claim that whoever controls the central bank of the […]

Who Controls the Money Supply – Fed or We the People?

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Laugh you may. How about we just exchange with each other with love and compassion? All the best, m   ANSWER: Ironically you hit it on the head. You will deal with someone you TRUST and you will not deal with someone you do not TRUST. This is the very essence […]