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Market Talk- March 1, 2017

It was the speech that most claimed lacked substance that just did exactly what most thought it couldn’t – rally global stock markets. Yes, Japan’s Biz Cap-Ex released at 3.8% compared to the previous 1.3%; that woke markets, then Manufacturing PMI released a smidgen worse but when the JPY started to fall, everyone blamed Trump. […]

China CIPS v Western SWIFT System

COMMENT: Marty; Some people are trying to claim that China in bypassing the Swift System, they are undermining the dollar. The latest absurd statement is that Japan will bypass the dollar and SWIFT System to transact using China’s CIPS system in inter-bank settlement. I really had to laugh at how ignorant this statement is for it […]

Greek Gov’t is 40% of GDP

QUESTION:  Hello, I do not understand what Martin say about the fact that the Greek debt doubled when it changed into euro. Indeed, if the currency is twice the value of the old one then all your debt will double as Martin said. However all your assets will double in value too. So it is […]

EU Bailout of Portugal Has Failed

  This year, 2017, is the beginning of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. While Greece is popping up on the financial radar, the Euro rescue in Portugal has also completely failed to reverse the trend of the country. There has been no effective relief from the debt crisis in Southern Europe. The debt in Portugal is also […]

Market Talk- February 23, 2017

A little rest and relaxation is a good thing and that is what Asian equity markets gave us today. Having seen the US markets set even more new highs rather than retrace the nerves were truly set after the comments alluding to the March rate rise. All core indices drifted with Nikkei, Shanghai, and Hang […]

Market Talk- February 22, 2017

Having seen the US markets set new record highs, most Asian indices followed the momentum. Many dealers said the euphoria can take us only so far, then we look for substance and they were hoping for that from tonight’s FED minutes release. The Nikkei retraced much of Wednesday strength but interestingly enough remained within the […]

Martin Schultz Wants to Give Refugees the Right to Vote in German Election

  To win the election in Germany, the SPD & Greens want to move to change the law regarding voting rights. Essentially, they want to give the refugees a right to vote. They need not be an EU citizen nor do they need to pay taxes. The mere right to vote is you happen to be […]

Market Talk- February 21, 2017

One of the quietest days in a while with even the JPY trading in a fairly tight trading range, less than one Yen (113.00 – 113.80). Early talk surrounded Fed’s Member (Patrick Harker) who commented late in the day that March is still in play for potential move. US Dollar bulls needed no encouragement and […]

Civil Unrest Tears France Apart The civil unrest in France which began in Paris has led to riots in some parts of the capital that spilled over spreading across France as vigilantes stage running battles with police in protest of the rape of a young black man. Chaos erupted after it emerged police anally raped a young black man […]

Greece – Cyprus – EU & Rise of the Neo-Ottoman Empire

COMMENT: Your article on “All Eyes on Greece” is very interesting.  A very similar story applies to Cyprus (the Greek side). My parents were from there and my cousins who live there frequently tell me stories of how bad things are becoming, not just from the EU stranglehold they are under but also the fear of […]