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Jovinus – 411-413 AD

Jovinus 411-413 AD Gaulish Puppet Emperor of West Jovinus was a Gaulish nobleman by birth. He was proclaimed Emperor at Mainz in 411 AD with the support of several barbarian kings, including King Guntiarius of the Burgundians and Goar King of the Alani. He raised his brother, Sebastianus, to the rank of co-Emperor. Jovinus ruled for […]

Priscus Attalus – 409-10/14-15 AD

Priscus Attalus 409-410 AD Puppet Emperor of the Barbarians Priscus Attalus was the Prefect of Rome during the second siege of Alaric the Visigoth King (409 AD). Alaric threatened to destroy Ostia and all the granaries maintained there and as such caused widespread starvation throughout Rome. Alaric used this threat to blackmail the Senate into […]

Maximus of Barcelona – 409-411 AD

Maximus of Barcelona 409-411 AD Around the same time when the Roman Emperor Honorius was clashing with the Visigothic King Alaric who sacked Rome in 410AD, we find so many other events undermining the Roman Empire. The Picts of Scotland invaded Britain crossing Hadrian’s Wall, and Vandals, Alans, and Suebi invaded Gaul (France) devastating the landscape. […]

Constans – 408-411 AD

Constans 408-411 AD Son of Constantine III Constans was the son of Constantine III, the usurper of Britain. He was raised to the rank of Augustus by his father sometime during 408 AD at the time of the invasion of Spain, which he led. In 408AD, Constantine III sent his son, Constans, to Spain in order to […]

Constantine III – 407-411 AD

Constantine III 407-411 AD British Usurper Constantine III was a man of humble origin and a common soldier. He was proclaimed Emperor by the Roman legions stationed at the time in Britain during 407 AD and subsequently raised his son Constans to the rank of joint Emperor. Constantine immediately crossed over the channel to Gaul […]

Honorius – 393-423 AD

Honorius 393-423 AD Son of Emperor Theodosius I Flavius Honorius was the younger son of Theodosius I and Aelia Flaccilla. Honorius was born in 384 AD and was raised to the rank of Augustus in 393 AD. Upon the death of his father Theodosius in 395, the Empire was divided in two with Honorius receiving the throne of […]

Eudoxia – Wife Arcadius

Aelia Eudoxia 395-404 AD Empress of the East Dominant wife of Arcadius Aelia Eudoxia was the daughter of Bauto the Frank. She was married to Arcadius in 395 AD. She was the mother of Theodosius II. Eudoxia was perhaps the first dominant woman to rule the Roman Empire. Her husband was rather meek and as […]

Arcadius – 383-408 AD

Arcadius 383-408 AD Flavius Arcadius is the eldest son of Theodosius I (379-395 AD) and Aelia Flaccilla. He was born in 377 AD and was raised to the rank of Augustus by his father in 383 AD. His first true encounter with power came when his father marched against Arbogastes in 394 AD. Theodosius died […]

Eugenius – 392-394 AD

Eugenius 392-394 AD Emperor in the West Flavius Eugenius was a teacher of rhetoric in Rome. Eugenius was a friend of the great orator Symmachus, by whom he was recommended to the Frankish general Arbogastes, the defacto ruler in Gaul at this time and caretaker of Valentinian II. About three months after the suicide, or […]

Flavius Victor – 387-388 AD

Flavius Victor 387-388 AD Son of Magnus Maximus Flavius Victor was the son of Magnus Maximus. Shortly before his ill-fated invasion of Italy, Magnus Maximus proclaimed his young son, Flavius Victor, Augustus, and nominal co-Emperor during the spring of 387 AD. The young boy was, apparently, left behind in Gaul when his father attacked Valentinian II’s […]