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Magnus Maximus – 383-388 AD

Magnus Maximus 383-388 AD British Usurper in the West Magnus Clemens Maximus was a native of Spain who claimed kinship with Emperor Theodosius I through his father, Count Theodosius. Magnus served with the Count in Africa and in Britain during his campaigns. Eventually, Magnus held an important military command in Britain during 383 AD when […]

Aelia Flaccilla – Wife

Aelia Flaccilla Empress 379-386 AD Wife of Theodosius I Aelia Flaccilla was the first living Empress to be accorded the right of coinage since Helena and Fausta sixty years before. Aelia Flaccilla was the wife of Theodosius I. They were married about 376 AD, several years before her husband’s accession to the throne. Aelia was the mother of […]

Theodosius I – 379-395 AD

Theodosius I the Great 379 – 395 AD Emperor of the East Flavius Theodosius was the son of the famous general Count Theodosius. Theodosius served as Governor of Moesia Prima and was a very successful field general defeating the Sarmatians along the Danube. However, his career appeared to be at an end when his famous father […]

Valentinian II – 375-392 AD

Valentinian II 375-392 AD Emperor in the West Younger son of Valentinian I Flavius Valentinianus II was the younger son of the Emperor Valentinian I. He was born at Trier by his father’s second wife Justina, widow of the usurper Magnentius, thus making him the half-brother of Gratian. Valentinian II was proclaimed Emperor by the […]

Gratian – 367-383 AD

Gratian 367 – 383 AD Emperor of the West Son of Valentinian I Flavius Gratianus was the son of Valentinian I by his first wife, Severa. He was raised to Augustus at eight (367 AD). Following the disastrous battle of Hadrianopolis, in which Valens lost his life, Gratian became the senior Emperor of the West along […]

Procopius – 365-366 AD

PROCOPIUS 365-366 AD Relative of Julian II Procopius was related to Julian II, most likely on his maternal side. Procopius was born in Cilicia to a wealthy family. He became an imperial secretary and tribune. When Julian became Emperor in 361 AD, Procopius was raised to the rank of Comes and served as a general under Julian […]

Valens – 364-378 AD

Valens 364-378 AD Emperor in the East Flavius Valens was the younger brother of Valentinian I, born in 328 AD at Cibalae in Pannomia. Following the death of Emperor Jovian, Valentinian I was proclaimed Emperor, and in return, he raised his brother Valens to the rank of co-emperor. Valens thus became Emperor of the Eastern provinces. For […]

Valentinian I – 364-375 AD

Valentinian I 364 – 375 AD Emperor of the West Flavius Valentinianus was born in Pannonia in about 321 AD. Valentinian was the son of Gratianus the Elder. His father was a man of humble origin. Nevertheless, he rose through the ranks of the military to become a great general. Valentinian traveled with his father to […]

Jovian – 363-364 AD

JOVIAN 363-364 AD Flavius Jovianus was born in Singidunum (Belgrade), the son of Varronianus. Jovian rose through the ranks under Constantius II and later under Julian. Despite his Christian beliefs, Jovian rose within the court of Julian to be a man of respect. During an ill-fated expedition to Persia, the death of Julian II placed Jovian in […]

Julian II – 360-363AD

Julian II, the Apostate As Caesar, 335-360 AD As Augustus, 360-363 AD Brother of Constantinis Gallus Nephew of Constantine the Great via Theodora Flavius Claudius Julianus was born in Constantinople around 332 AD, the son of Julius Constantius, who was the half-brother of Constantine the Great. His father was born by the second wife of Constantius […]