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Monetary History of Imperial Rome

27BC-217 AD 217-270 AD 270-294 AD 294-360 AD 360-394 AD 395-423 AD 423-518 AD

Decentius Caesar – 351-353 AD

Decentius Caesar 351-353 AD Usurper in Gaul Magnus Decentius was the brother of Magnentius and was raised to the rank of Caesar in 351 AD when Magnentius revolted against Constantius II on January 18th, 350AD. Decentius’ rise to Caesar was most likely a response due to Constantius Gallus‘ elevation to the rank of Caesar on March 15th by Constantius II. […]

Magnentius – 350-353 AD

Magnentius 350-353 AD Usurper in Gaul Flavius Magnus Magnentius was a general of barbarian descent. Magnentius led a revolt against the Emperor Constans in the West at Augustodunum (Autun), where he was joined by the Roman legions of most of the Western provinces. Because of his extreme unpopularity, Emperor Constans found himself without support and […]

Constantius II – 337-361 AD

Constantius II 337 – 361 AD Second son of Constantine the Great Flavius Julius Constantius II was the second son of Constantine I and Fausta. Constantius was born in 317 AD and given the rank of Caesar 324 AD. He was named after his grandfather, Constantius I Chlorus. Following the death of his father in 337 AD, the Empire was divided […]

Constans – 337-350 AD

Constans As Caesar 317-337 AD As Augustus 337-340 AD Youngest son of Constantine the Great Flavius Julius Constans was the youngest of the three sons of Constantine I the Great and Fausta and was born in 320AD (or 323). Given the rank of Caesar in 333AD, he received Italy, Africa, and Illyricum as his share […]

Constantine II – 337-340 AD

Constantine II As Caesar, 317 – 337 AD As Augustus, 337 – 340 AD Eldest son of Constantine the Great Flavius Claudius Constantinus was the eldest son of Constantine I the Great and Fausta. Constantine II was born in 314 AD and was given the rank of Caesar in 317 AD when he was obviously very young. Constantine II appears to have inherited […]

Hanniballianus Rex – 335-337 AD

Flavius Hanniballianus Step-nephew of Constantine the Great Grandson of Constantius & Theodora Flavius Hanniballianus was the brother of Caesar Flavius Julius Delmatius and the grandson of Constantius I Chlorus and Theodora. Hanniballianus was named after Theodora’s father, Afranius Hanniballianus, of North African origin, who was consul in 292 AD and was Praetorian Prefect under Diocletian. He […]

Delmatius Caesar – 335-337 AD

Delmatius Caesar 335 – 337 AD Nephew of Constantine the Great Flavius Julius Delmatius was a grandson of Constantius I and Theodora. He and his brother Hanniballianus were the sons of Delmatius, a stepbrother of Constantine the Great. Delmatius was given the rank of Caesar by Constantine in September 335 AD. In the confusing period following the death of Constantine in 337 AD, the […]

Crispus Caesar – 317-326 AD

Flavius Julius Crispus Eldest son of Constantine I the Great Caesar Born 303 AD – Executed 326 AD Flavius Julius Crispus was born about 303 AD, the eldest son of Constantine the Great, by his first wife (or concubine) Minervina. Crispus was educated by a family friend, Lactantius, while being raised in Gaul. In March 317 […]

Helena – Mother

Helena Mother of Constantine Flavia Julia Helena, the first wife of Constantius I and the mother of Constantine I the Great, was born in 248 AD. Constantius was obliged to divorce her in 293 AD, on his appointment as Caesar, so that he might enter a political marriage with Theodora, the stepdaughter of Maximianus. Helena then lived quietly in retirement until her […]