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Severus II – 306-307 AD

Severus II As Caesar 305-306 AD As Augustus 306-307 AD Flavius Valerius Severus was a soldier initially from Illyria. He was a close friend of Emperor Galerius, who raised him to the rank of Caesar in August 305 AD upon his rise to the rank of Augustus. Thus, Galerius sought to gain a stranglehold over […]

Galeria Valeria – Wife

Galeria Valeria Wife of Galerius  Daughter Diocletian 293 – 315 AD The daughter of Diocletian, Galeria Valeria was married to Galerius at the time of his elevation to the rank of Caesar in 293 AD. It is not entirely certain when she was first accorded the title of Augusta, but it was confirmed at the […]

Galerius – 305-311 AD

Galerius 305 – 311 AD Gains Galerius Valerius Maximianus, commonly known as Galerius by historians, served as co-emperor from 293 to 311 AD in both the first and second Tetrarchy and was one of the most ardent opponents of Christianity. As a youth he had been a herdsman but entered the army of Aurelian and made his way […]

Theodora – 2nd Wife

Theodora Stepmother of Constantine Stepdaughter of Maximianus Flavia Maximiana Theodora was the stepdaughter of Maximianus. Theodora’s parents were Afranius Hannibalianus and Eutropia, who later became the wife of Maximianus. Theodora’s real father, Hannibalianus, was consul in 292 AD and had been the Praetorian Prefect under Diocletian. Theodora was married to Constantius I (father of Constantine the […]

Constantius I – 305-306 AD

Constantius I Chlorus 305 – 306 AD As Caesar, 293 – 305 AD Flavius Valerius Constantius I Chlorus was most likely born in the Danube region. Constantius fell in love with an innkeeper’s daughter named Helena in Naissus, located in Upper Dacia. This is the location of the birth of their first son, who would later become known […]

Maximianus – 286-305 AD

Maximianus First Reign 286 – 305 AD Second Reign 306 – 308 AD Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus was given the rank of co-emperor by Diocletian in the year following the latter’s victory over Carinus. Maximianus was uneducated bur was a loyal and brave warrior. On the division of the empire between the two Augustii his assigned area […]

Domitius Domitianus – 296-297 AD

Domitius Domitianus 296-297 AD Usurper in Lower Egypt In the year 296 AD, a serious revolt broke out in Upper Egypt, under the leadership of Achilleus. Simultaneously, another revolt broke out in Lower Egypt, where the uprising was directed by Lucius Domitius Domitianus. Confusion has often arisen over these two individuals, and some authorities have […]

Allectus – 293-296 AD

Allectus Usurper in Britain 293-296AD Allectus was the chief finance minister (rationalis) to Carausius. Allectus was a very ambitious man. In 293 AD, he was the principal instigator in a plot that ended with the assassination of Carausius. Allectus was said to have been an excellent sailor and soldier. His domain included Britain and parts of Gaul. For […]

Carausius – 287-293 AD

Carausius Usurper of Britain 287 – 293 AD Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius was a man of humble origin who came from Menapia, an area in Belgium. Nevertheless, he rose through the ranks due to a distinguished career. Carausius gained much fame for his military skills during in the campaigns under Emperor Maximianus (286-305AD) against the Franks and the […]

Amandus – 285-286 AD

Amandus Circa 285-286 AD Nothing is known of Gnaeus Silvius Amandus (285-286AD) other than three surviving coins one of which was in the collection of Sir Arthur Evans according to Roman Imperial Coins (RIC). We do not find Amandus listed among the 30 Tyrants of the Historia Augusta and as such, this person remains a mystery. What […]