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Diocletian – 284-305 AD

Diocletian 284 – 305 AD Died 316 AD Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus was born to a poor family in Dalmatia (ILLYRICUM) during the mid-3rd century AD. Diocletian entered military service, where he displayed a talent for leadership, prompting his career to advance. By 284 AD, Diocletian became a member of the legions under Emperor Carus and continued to […]

Julian Of Pannonia – 284-285 AD

Julian Usurper of Pannonia 285 AD Marcus Aurelius Julianus was most likely the governor Moesia. Following the death of the emperor Carus and Numerian, the empire fell into the hands of Carinus as sole ruler. The turmoil and economic conditions of the empire were still in a state of flux and no doubt this led to Julian successfully mounting a […]

Nigrinian – Son

Nigrinian Son of Carinus Circa 283 – 285 AD Marcus Aurelius Nigrinianus, known as Nigrinian to history, was most likely the son of Carinus and Magnia Urbica. He is only known to history through his rare posthumous coinage. It is not known whether or not he died while his father was Emperor or perhaps prior to him assuming […]

Magnia Urbica – Wife

Magnia Urbica Wife/Mother of Carinus Magnia Urbica was most likely the wife of Carinus and the mother of Nigrinian. Some have argued she was the wife of Carus. The coinage which exists with her image on one side and the other appears to be Carinus. Given that Carus was 60 when he became emperor. Magna’s coinage does not […]

Carinus – 283-285 AD

Carinus 283 – 285 AD Marcus Aurelius Carinus was the elder son of the Emperor Carus born about 249 – 250 AD. During the spring of 283AD, Carinus was given the rank of Caesar shortly after his father’s accession to the throne. Carinus remained behind in Rome in the West when his father and younger brother, Numerian set out for the […]

Numerian – 283-284 AD

Numerian As Caesar 282 – 283 AD As Augustus 283 – 284 AD Marcus Aurelius Numerianus was the younger son of the Emperor Carus. Numerian was born about 2540-254 AD, and was given the rank of Caesar soon after his father’s accession along with his brother Carinus. Early in 283 AD, Numerian accompanied his father to the East to deal with […]

Carus – 282-283 AD

Carus Ostia Museum 282 – 283 AD Marcus Aurelius Carus was the Prefect of the Praetorian Guard under Probus. Upon the Emperor’s death, Carus was proclaimed Emperor by the troops. He immediately conferred the rank of Caesar on his two sons Carinus and Numerian, and set out on an expedition against the Persians. Numerian accompanied his […]

Gaius Julius Saturninus – 280 AD

Gaius Julius Saturninus 280 AD Gaius Julius Saturninus was a senior officer under Probus in Syria. According to Historiae Augusta, Saturninus led a short-lived revolt, which began with his proclamation as Augustus by the troops under his command in Alexandria Egypt. At first, we are told that Saturninus declined the honor. However, later in about 280AD, […]

Bonosus – 280 – 281 AD

Bonosus British usurper circa 280-281 AD   Bonosus was a tribune under the Emperor Probus. He was of British descent being born in Hispania (Roman Spain). His father was British and his mother was Gallic (French). Bonosus fought unsuccessfully against the Germans. Bonosus was proclaimed Emperor at Cologne along with his colleague Titus Ilius Proculus who was known […]

Probus 276-282 AD

Probus 276-282 AD (M. Aurelius Probus). Born at Sirmium in 232 AD, Probus adopted the profession of arms and gained rapid promotion until, by the reign of Aurelian, he had become one of the leading generals of the Empire. Soon after the death of Tacitus, he was proclaimed emperor by his troops, and following the […]