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Reuters Editor Apologizes for Blaming Trump for Capital Gazette Shooting

  Reuters editor has had to apologize for blaming Trump for the Capital Gazette shooting. This reflects just how biased the press has become. They interject their personal opinions and hatred of Donald Trump and in the process create fake news. Once upon a time, journalists actually just reported the news. Something has seriously gone […]

What are Ancient Coin Hoard so Vital to History

  QUESTION: Sir; I have noticed that the Roman and Greek hoards of coins you have offered are silver. You do not offer hoards of bronze coins. I have two questions. First, are broze hoards less common? Second, why have you been a buyer of large hoards to begin with? Thank you LW ANSWER: There […]

Another Volcano Erupts in Indonesia

  We now have another volcano erupting in the Pacific. The second one happened in Indonesia. Mount Agung on the Indonesian island began to erupt on Thursday forcing evacuations. More than 400 flights had to be cancelled because planes cannot fly through volcanic eruptions. I have been warning that simply correlating all the data illustrates that […]

Welcome to Dollar Vertigo – China to Ban Dollar Borrowing?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, it seems that whatever you say our government follows. You said China should buy directly from the Treasury and not the New York bank and they did that right away. Now they are considering stopping dollar borrowing here in China as well. You should be holding a WEC here in Shanghai next. […]

Now 43% of Germans Want Merkel to Resign – More than She Was Elected With!

The polls in Germany show that discontent is now rising and 43% of the people want Merkel to resign. She only won 32.8% to begin with. Germany is also shifting and nationalism is rising, which is what the AfD is all about these days. A YouGov survey showed that 43% of Germans now want her to leave office, […]

Shooting at Capital Gazette was Personal – not Political

The violence is gradually escalating over a political confrontation that is building between left and right. While the polls now show that 31% of American believe we are indeed headed into a civil war, and over 50% believe the left is moving to violence, and incident seems to be turning to political explanation. Now a […]

Euro Interest Rates

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have obviously been correct on the Euro. You even called the bounce but it stopped at 1.2550 and did not reach your ideal target of 1.28. You are saying that interest rates in Europe are more likely to rise faster than the ECB predicts. The French central banker Francois Villeroy de Galhau […]

Solar Cycle 24 to Bottom with the Economic Confidence Model 2020

The deep minimum of Solar Cycle 23 and its potential impact on climate change has been interesting. In addition, a source region of the solar winds at solar activity minimum, especially in the Solar Cycle 23, the deepest during the last 500 years, has been studied. Solar activities have had a notable effect on palaeoclimatic changes. […]

Civil Unrest = Hoarding of Assets

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You pick themes that are not really just political on the surface, but beneath you are connecting the dots economically. This is what I read between the lines for you do not always emphasize it in every post why you will address issues like migration and civil unrest. Are these serious issues […]

Its Snowing Still now in NewFoundland

  It is still snowing across the border in Newfoundland, Canada in June. In Wisconsin, there was so much snow during April, it is still there in huge piles in June. Believe it or not, snowfall has still been reported this week in EIGHT states. This is California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, New Hampshire […]