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Manipulation and the World is Flat

  There are always going to be people who reject our models. Some professor coming out claiming there are no cycles is typical. Light to him is also a straight line because he cannot see the wave nor does sound travel in waves for he does not hear the oscillations.That is the way it is […]

TIME – The Fourth Dimension

Princeton Economics International is rather unique. We have explored the Fourth Dimension and discovered the means to utilize TIME. While we can forecast a trend short-term, our utilization of TIME has enabled us to accurately forecast turning points in TIME days, weeks, months, quarters, years, and decades in advance. While many seem to find unbelievable, […]

G20 Leaders Plead with Fed Not to Raise Rates

  The degree of crisis that we are now moving into is just off the charts. The G20 finance ministers have urged the Federal Reserve to “minimize negative spillovers” from potential interest-rate increases. With the collapse of the Swiss/Euro Peg, they have been stunned into the realization of cross-currency borrowing. For decades, bankers have been […]

Stalin & Setting the Record Straight

We have a huge audience in Russia who now number nearly 50% of American readers. Germans often point out that Hitler came from Austria. Likewise, to be absolutely accurate, Stalin was not Russian. Stalin was born Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili on the 18th of December 1878 in the town of Gori, Georgia. As part of the Communist Revolution, […]

Any Document Older than 180 days You Have Abandoned for Legal Purposes

Just why does government want to read everything you have ever written? They are obsessed with collecting data on everyone exactly as if this was George Orwell’s 1984. The people in charge are just insane. They have nothing better to do but act like Joseph Stalin who could not sleep at night worrying what others […]

China Moving to Replace USA as Financial Capitol of World

A vital step in the shift of the Financial Capitol of the World moving from the West to the East, is becoming visible if you pay attention. Our model has revealed that the Financial Capitol of the World moves with the rise and fall of nations. China on the verge of becoming a net exporter […]

The Risk of Artificial Intelligence

People like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are worried about what might happen as a result of advancements in AI. They’re concerned that robots could grow so intelligent that they could independently decide to exterminate humans. And if Hawking and Musk are fearful, does this mean you probably should be too? While no doubt interesing men, are they […]

Solutions Conference – March 28th at Princeton, NJ

The Solution’s Conference is being moved up and made available for everyone via a live stream on the web. Because we can all “feel” 2015.75 coming this time, it is obviously important to get the debates started there as well. We are also working on a bill to be introduced into Congress as to also […]

Global Warming Crowd Forgot About Underwater Volcanoes – Oops!

The Global Warming crowd who blame the 1 to 3 degree increase in sea temperature on man, have been overlooking not merely climate cycles, but the entire role in which there has been continental drift. It is the overlooked phenomenon of guess what – undersea volcanoes. Yes, oops! Something else these guys do not bother […]

Eastern Ukraine to Fall to Russia? Sanctions Failed

The attempt to isolate Putin from the world club has failed. With oil prices collapsing, Putin must sure up domestic support and now needs a victory. He can easily blame the economic decline at home on the West’s sanctions. That was handed to him on a gold platter. Had the West not tried to sanction […]