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Bitcoin Can Go to 2,100.000,000,000,000?

Now others say that number is wrong and bitcoin can go to 2,100.000,000,000,000. If that is true, then my first statement is correct. If everyone swapped all money for bitcoins then what is the difference? This is not a question of supply. Money is just a medium of exchange not a sort of constant value and […]

Bitcoin will be Capped at 21 million?

  I am told that I will be wrong because Bitcoin has an arbitrary cap at 21 million so it cannot end up as the dollar. Sorry, if you cap it at 21 million and there are over 300 million Americans alone, just how is Bitcoin going to ever replace anything? That is the attempt […]

Stock Market & Bonds During the 1980s

  The DAX is making this type of breakout whereas the Dow is crawling sideways along resistance. It is not quite ready for prime time. That does not  preclude the Dow from first reacting down with the first rate hike because so many people believe higher rates are bearish. Those will be the buying opportunities […]

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates not Lower

QUESTION:   I’m just wondering how the stock markets can go up into a rapid bubble in 2015 -17, if the bonds are going to collapse in Oct. of ’15? do you still stand by your call for stocks to go so high this year? oil is going to go too cheap., and it would seem […]

Money – Electronic & Debasement

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all you have done, your blog is amazing.   I have a question (well many but will only ask one).  Will electronic money fully displace all currencies or will we go with a 2 tier system one for domestic and one for international? Thank you very much, rms ANSWER: […]

Debt & Reserve Currency

QUESTION: Marty, Would nations still issue debt in the reserve currency or their local currency? If countries issued debt in the reserve currency, wouldn’t that be the same problem you have pointed out with the euro? You have made it clear that debt is the great destroyer of civilization. It seems that this is the […]

Fiat and the Abuse of Using This Term

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong People seem to just equate any non commodity form of money as being fiat. But fiat means a value dictated by government. There seems to be a foot-loose use of the word fiat to the point I am not sure what people are yelling about. Bitcoin fluctuates wildly so where is the […]

How Did The US Markets Respond During Watergate?

How Did The US Markets Respond During Watergate? by Martin A. Armstrong The effect of public confidence upon capital markets is one issue that has gone largely ignored for decades. In our August 8th, 1994 edition of the Princeton World Report, we provided a study of gold dating back to 1721. Every major rally in gold was […]


CLINTON SWEEPS NATION—REPUBLICANS DEFEATED! by Martin A. Armstrong The headlines in the aftermath of the 1996 presidential elections will proclaim a victory once again for Slick Willy. This forecast is not based upon wishful thinking or gut feelings. Instead, this is the prognostication arrived at by our unbiased computer models. Figure #1 Figure #1 above […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]