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Market Talk April 18th, 2016

A disappointing result from the weekends Doha meeting, resulted in negative market reaction early Monday morning trading. With oil initially trading off 6.5% from Fridays close the Asian equity markets opened in a bit of a frenzy with many brokers looking for the bid. The Nikkei was the weakest of the bunch closing down over […]

Market Talk – April 15th, 2016

It really should be no surprise to people that we saw some retracement after a 3.3% rally in a day. That is exactly what we saw today in the Nikkei after yesterdays euphoria. Most dealers were hoping China’s GDP release was going to provide the end of week support for the markets but that failed […]

Market Talk April 14th, 2016

The market was right to focus on the Japanese Yen over the past few days having witnessed a convincing dip in the Nikkei that many wish they had bought. Having been concerned last week of the 16k level, tonight we are discussing the 17k point after a 530 point rally today. Both Shanghai and Hang […]

Market Talk as of Close of April 13th, 2016

JPY remained the focal point for Asia, well that was until the market realized it had finally turned. The JPY took out the 109 handle and dealers were less concerned and comfort returned to the Nikkei. The session went from strength to strength closing up almost 2% on the day. The Shanghai and Hang Seng […]

Market Talk – April 11, 2016

The Yen has reversed some of its gains from last week but not before attempting more early in the day. Having hit highs early in the session it spent the majority of the day drifting lower to close over the 108 handle. The Nikkei, therefore, saw the exact reverse having hit session lows early then […]

Market Talk – April 8th, 2016

A little bit of jawboning by the BOJ and we see a bounce off of the 107.60 level from yesterdays trading. A healthy 1% rebound in the JPY transpired into a 0.5% bounce in the Nikkei. Finance Minister Taro, said the government would take steps if they were required. With an additional bounce in late […]

Market Talk — April 7, 2016

The main topic again last night was the magnitude of the advancing Yen. Despite a convincing break below the 109 (and 108 in European trading) the Nikkei only managed to hold ground to show a modest (0.22%) gain on the day. The Shanghai fell over 1.3% overnight and only just managed to hold the psychological […]

Market Talk – April 6th, 2016

It really felt like a day of two-halves today after a lack-lustre Asian session and a weak European morning. The Nikkei was again a talking point (or at least the JPY was) but Shanghai too saw a bit of volatility as we flirted toward the 3k level early afternoon only to recover by the close. […]

Market Talk – April 5, 2016

Oil was blamed for the majority of today’s equity weakness but there was no new news and the reason was a little baffling! The Nikkei broke the 16k level and then fell another 300 points quite sharply. In late US trading, it lost an additional 150 points and is currently trading around the 15,500 level. […]

The Panama Papers

A lot of emails have been coming in with regard to the Panama Papers. Let me say this from the outset — Panama has been the key place to establish offshore accounts for decades. This was not a government hack. The German daily Suddeutsche Zeitung obtained the stash of records from an anonymous source and shared […]