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Tetricus I – 270-273 AD

TETRICUS I 270 – 273 AD Last Emperor of the Gallic Empire Gaius Pius Esuvius Tetricus was the last of the Gallo-Roman Emperors. Tetricus was Governor of Aquitama and had been a Senator from an old noble family. Following the death of Victorinus, Tetricus, through the influence of Victoria, the mother of Victorinus, was proclaimed Emperor. […]

Victorinus – 268-270 AD

Marcus Piavonius Victorinus Gallic Emperor 268 – 270AD Marcus Victorinus was emperor of the Gallic Empire, which separated from Rome in 260AD during the aftermath of the capture of Valerian I (253-260AD) by the Persians in battle. Victorinus followed the brief reign of Marcus Aurelius Marius (268AD), who seized power after the assassination of Postumus […]

Marius – 268 AD

Marius Gallic Emperor 268 AD Marcus Aurelius Marius was a blacksmith by trade. Marius was one of the “Thirty Tyrants” named in Historia Augusta during the late 3rd century AD. He apparently joined the Roman army and rose through its ranks to reach the elevated status of an officer. Following the death of the Gallic […]

Laelianus – 268 AD

Ulpius Cornelius Laelianus 268 AD Ulpius Cornelius Laelianus was one of the Thirty Tyrants listed in Historia Augusta during the late 3rd century AD. Laelianus led a revolt against the Gallic Emperor Postumus from the city of Mainz (Moguntiacum). His attempt to take the throne was ultimately unsuccessful. It is not known whether he was killed by Postumus (259-268AD) […]

Postumus – 260-268 AD

Postumus 260-268 AD Marcus Cassianius Latinius Postumus was a soldier who rose to the rank of commander in the Rhine legions under the emperor Valerian I. It appears that perhaps when Valerian I was captured during the spring of 260AD. Perhaps this was the moment when Postumus made his move, and the troops did not support […]

Dryantilla – Wife

Sulpicia Dryantilla Wife of Regalianus Sulpicia Dryantilla was the daughter of Sulpicius PoIho and Claudia Ammiana. Dryantilla was most likely the wife of Regalianus at the time of his usurpation following the death of Valerian I. Other than these basic facts, nothing else has survived. Monetary System The coinage struck in the name of Dryantilla […]

Regalianus – 260-261 AD

Regalianus Antoninianus overstruck on silver denarius 260 AD P. Gaius Regalianus was a native of Dacia and may have been a descendant of Decebalus, the famous king of Dacia who Trajan defeated. Regalianus was married to Sulpicia Dryantilla, daughter of Sulpicius PoIho, for whom he also struck coinage in addition to himself. Regalianus was a […]

Quietus – 260-261 AD

Quietus 260-261 AD Titus Fulvius Junius Quietus was the younger brother of the usurper Macrianus and son of General Fulvius Macrianus. Quietus was left in charge of the Eastern provinces during his father and brother’s attempt to overthrow Gallienus after his father’s death; Valerian I. Quietus’ father and brother were defeated by Gallienus’ general, Aureolus, […]

Macrianus – 260-261 AD

Fulvius Junius Macrianus 260-261 AD Fulvius Junius Macrianus was the son of General Fulvius Macrianus and the older brother of Quietus. Following the defeat of Emperor Valerian I at the hands of the Persians, the remnants of the Roman legions gathered to elect a new Emperor. The troops were led by General Fulvius Macrianus, one of Valerian’s […]

Saloninus – 259 AD

Saloninus As Caesar 255-259 AD As Augustus 259 AD Publicus Licinius Cornelius Saloninus Valerianus was the younger son of Emperor Gallienus and Salonina. Following the death of his older Valerian II in 255 AD, Saloninus was raised to the rank of Caesar. Saloninus was eventually raised to the rank of Augustus, making him co-emperor with […]