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Julius Marinus – Father

Julius Marinus Father of Philip I Julius Marinus was the father of the emperor Philip I and the grandfather of Philip II. He is known from the single coinage issue by his son issued at the city of Philippopolis. It is generally accepted that since his funeral was that of virtually afforded an emperor, it is believed that […]

Otacilia Severa – Wife

Marcia Otacilia Severa 244-249AD Wife of Philip I Marcia Otacilia Severa was the wife of Philip I (“the Arab”) and the mother of Philip II. Upon her husband’s taking of the throne in 244 AD from the young 19-year-old emperor Gordian III, Otacilia was given the rank of Augusta upholding the Roman tradition. Her son, Philip II, was raised to the […]

Philip I – 244-249 AD

Marcus Julius Philippus “The Arab” 244-249 AD Marcus Julius Philippus was born in Arabia the son of Julius Marinus. Philip entered a military career and was on the campaign in 243 AD against the Persians led by Shapur. Timisitheus was the Praetorian Commander in charge and he successfully defeated the Persians at Rhesaina. However, Timisitheus suddenly […]

Tranquillina – Wife of Gordian III

Tranquillina 241-244 AD Wife of Gordian III Furia Sabinia Tranquillina was the daughter of the Praetorian Prefect Timisitheus. Tranquillina married Gordian III in 241 AD. The marriage may have been political insofar as Gordian III needed the support and aid of his father-in-law. Tranquillina reigned as Empress of Rome between 241 and 244 AD. Following […]

Gordian III – 238-244 AD

Gordian III 238-244AD Marcus Antonius Gordianus (Gordian III) was born about 225AD. Gordian III was the grandson of the respected Proconsul of Africa Gordian I by his daughter. He was also the nephew of Gordian II. In 238 AD, a rebellion broke out against the emperor Maximinus I, and Gordian I was hailed emperor by […]

Pupienus – 238 AD

PUPIENUS 238 AD (April 22nd–July 29th, 238AD) Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus was a senator of Rome at the time of the deaths of Gordian I and Gordian II in Carthage. The Senate, after having supported the Gordians and declared Maximinus I a public enemy, had little choice but to find someone to defend the Senate itself. […]

Balbinus – 238 AD

Balbinus   238 AD Decius Caelius Balbinus was a senator of Rome at the time of the deaths of Gordian I and Gordian II in Carthage. The Senate, after having supported the Gordians and declared Maximinus I a public enemy, had little choice but to find someone to defend the Senate itself. It was finally decided to elect two of […]

Gordian II – 238 AD

Marcus Antonius Gordianus II Gordian II Africanus 238 AD Marcus Antonius Gordianus was the son of Gordian I and the uncle of Gordian III. He was born about 192 AD and II was made co-emperor by his father immediately upon his elevation to the throne in 238 AD. While Gordian I was hailed emperor by […]

Gordian I – 238 AD

Marcus Antonius Gordianus Gordian I Africanus 238 AD Marcus Antonius Gordianus was born about 157 AD. During the reign of Maximinus I, the heavy taxation imposed both on the rich and the poor soon made this emperor deeply hated both in Rome and the provinces. The inevitable rebellion came in Africa. In 238 AD, the troops […]

Maximus Caesar – 235-238 AD

Maximus Caesar 235-238 AD Son of Maximinus I Gaius Julius Verus Maximus (Maximvs Caesar) was the son of Maximinus I Thrax. Maximus was most likely given the rank of Caesar at the same time or shortly after when his father assumed the rank of Augustus. He was reportedly a very handsome youth. Maximus Caesar was […]