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Hadrian – 117-138AD

Hadrian 117-138 AD Born January 24th, 76 – Died 138 AD, Age 62 Publius Aelius Hadrianus, was born in Rome on January 24th, 76 AD although his family had settled in Italica (Spain) nearly 300 years prior when that region was first opened to Roman colonists. In 86 AD, Hadrian lost his father at the […]

Trajan Pater – Father

Trajan Pater Died 100 AD The Father of Trajan died in 100 AD. He was also related to Hadrian since he was the brother of Hadrian’s grandfather. Out of respect for his family, Trajan issued commemorative coinage for most members of his family following their death. He honored his father both in sculpture as well as […]

Matidia – Niece Trajan Mother-in-Law of Hadrian

Matidia Niece of Trajan Mother-in-law of Hadrian (68-119AD) Matidia was the daughter of Ulpia Marciana (older sister of Trajan) and C. Salonius Matidius Patriunus. Her father died in 78 AD and her mother became a devoted supporter of her brother, Emperor Trajan. She was given the rank of Augusta, which she shared with Trajan’s wife […]

Ulpia Marciana – Sister

Ulpia Marciana Older sister of Trajan Born 48 AD – Died 114 AD Ulpia Marciana was the older sister of Trajan born in 48 AD. She was married to Gaius Salonius Matidius Patruinus, who was apparently a wealthy man and had served as a praetor before becoming a senator. They had a daughter Salonia Matidia, who was born on July 4th, […]

Plotina – Wife of Trajan

Plotina Wife of Trajan Born 70 AD – Died 129 AD Pompeia Plotina was born in Nemausus (Nimes) in Gaul around 70 AD. Plotina married Trajan before he was elevated to the throne and apparently never bore any children. She was famed for her simplicity, dignity, and virtue and the historian Cassio Dio tells us […]

Trajan – 98-117AD

Trajan Emperor, 98 – 117 AD Born 52 – Died 117 AD, Age 65 Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born in Italica in Spain about the year 52 AD. His family was originally from Umbria in Italy. His father, of the same name, was a senator and had served as consul. He was also governor of […]

Marcus Cocceius Nerva – 96-98AD

Marcus Cocceius Nerva The Lawyer Emperor 96-98AD Born 30AD – Died 98AD, Age 68 Marcus Cocceius Nerva was a distinguished lawyer who served as Consul with Vespasian in 71 AD and Domitian in 90 AD. Nerva had won the favor of the imperial court since the time of Nero. His legal advice helped establish the […]

Vespasian Junior – Cousin

Vespasian, Junior Cousin of Domitian Vespasian Junior was the son of  Flavius Clemens, and Domitian Junior was the son of Flavia Domitilla and, therefore, were his cousins. Domitian had no heir, so toward the end of his reign, he adopted these two boys. Domitian feared the legitimacy of rival heir Titus Flavius Clemens, who was […]

Domitia Longina – Wife of Domitian

Domitia Longina Wife of Domitian Domitia Longina was the daughter of Nero’s famous general, Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. Domitia first married Lucius Aelianus Lamia. In 70 AD, she divorced her husband and married Emperor Domitian. Domitia bore two children with Domitian, a daughter and a son who lived briefly in 73 AD. Domitian was a very […]

Domitian – 81-96AD

Domitian Emperor, 81 – 96 AD Born 51 – Died 96 AD, Age 45 Titus Flavius Domitianus was born in Rome on October 24, 51 AD, the son of Titus Flavius Vespasianus and Flavia Domitilla. He was the younger brother of Titus. During the reigns of his father and brother, Domitian was kept very much in the […]