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Democracy – Trump – Issues To Support or Not Support – Is that the Question?

QUESTION: Do you agree that a democracy will never last because the people will vote themselves other people’s money? Do you support Trump or are you against him? Sometimes to agree and others you disagree. Or are you just between the two extremes? VE ANSWER: First, a democracy has been always temporary in nature, this is […]

Trump Revolution Hits Mexico – Is This Becoming Trump v Soros?

Some people think that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who is leading the polls in Mexico, is their answer to Trump. This is once again the constant trend of trying to blame Trump for everything. In 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power and Mao Zedong rose in China. At the same time, we saw Franklin Roosevelt take office after […]

The Next American Civil War – Thank You Mueller

The Mueller investigation is all about removing Trump from office, which has been cheered by CNN, New York Times, and The Washington Post among many others. They are intent on overturning the results of a Democratic election to ensure this is no longer a government of the people for the people. They see this as […]

Can Governments Actually Enhance Economic Growth?

QUESTION: Regardless of all the hype about the euro, from my perspective, the economic growth was far better before the creation of the euro. It just seems as though any improvement is marginal at best. What does your model show for the Eurozone growth rate? Thank you for what you do JE ANSWER: You are […]

The Supreme Court Just Destroyed the Economy in the Hunt for Taxes

The Supreme Court in SOUTH DAKOTA v. WAYFAIR, INC, just handed down the most devastating and unconstitutional rule perhaps in American history in a 5-4 ruling that we will look back upon as the straw that broke the back of the economy. The Supreme Court has totally rejected EVERYTHING that the United States was built upon […]

Italy will No Longer Recuse Migrant Ships from Libya

Italy will no longer rescue immigrants sailing from Libya. They have withdrawn their Italian Coast Guard and instructed captains of vessels that from now on, ships in the area off Libya should apply for help to the Libyan Coast Guard. Up to now, the Italian Coast Guard has played an important role in coordinating refugee rescue […]

CNN v Trump

COMMENT: It is really getting so bad with CNN they should just be shut down for they are no longer a news organization but a political propaganda machine. They paint Trump as getting a bad deal with North Korea and they then tried to make him look like an idiot saying to Trudeau that Canada […]

30 Years of Global Warming Forecasts all Failed

  The Wall Street Journal just published a review of the Global Warming Forecasts for the past 30 years. They have not even come close to the scenarios they put forth back in 1988. On June 23, 1988, the then NASA scientist James E. Hansen who helped to start all this nonsense testified before the Senate […]

Books We Recommend

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I stumbled across you a few years ago and found your work refreshingly insightful and the joined the subscription service for the private blog. Though I am just your average middle-class citizen, I am glad that I now have a true picture of what the future holds while many of the sheep walk […]

Fake News – Little Girl Was Never Taken From Her Mother

  It turns out that the Fake News has managed to use a picture of little Hondorus girl and told the world she was taken from her mother. The girl’s father has come out and made it clear that she was NEVER taken from her mother and she is with her mother in the immigration […]