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Julia Titi – Daughter of Titus

Julia Titi Daughter of Titus Mistress to her uncle Domitian Julia Titi was the daughter of Titus by his second wife Marcia Furnilla. She was married to her cousin Flavius Sabinus who was later executed in 84 AD on the orders of her uncle Domitian. Domitian was married to Domitia Longina who divorced her husband to marry Domitian. It is […]

Titus – 79-81AD

Titus Emperor, 79 – 81 AD Born 41 – Died 81 AD, Age 40 Titus Flavius Vespasianus Junior was the elder son of Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla. Titus was born in Rome on December 30th, 39 AD. Vespasian had served under Claudius in his conquest of Britain with distinction and honor. His reward was to allow his son Titus […]

Domitilla the Younger – Daughter

Domitilla the Younger   Daughter of Vespasian Flavia Domitilla the Younger or Flavia Domitilla Minor (c. 45 – c. 66) was the only daughter of the Roman Emperor Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla the Elder. Her elder brother was Titus, and her younger brother was Domitian. At the age of fifteen, she was married to Quintus […]

Flavia Domitilla – Wife of Vespasian

Flavia Domitilla First Wife of Vespasian Flavia Domitilla was the daughter of Flavius Liberalis, a humble quaestor’s clerk. Domitilla was born in Sabratha to Italian colonists who had moved there during the reign of Augustus. This presented a rather serious scandal where she was alleged to have been a barbarian born only in a colony. […]

Vespasian – 69-79 AD

Vespasian 69 – 79 AD Born 9 – Died 79 A.D., Age 70 Titus Flavius Vespasianus came from humble origins, being born at Reate the son of a knight Flavius Sabinus, a tax collector, and his wife Vespasia Polla, who was also the daughter of a knight. Thus, Vespasian was a member of the old […]

Lucius Vitellius – Father

Lucius Vitellius   Father of Emperor Vitellius Lucius Vitellius was the father of the Emperor Aulus Vitellius. He had a very distinguished career during which he served as consul three times. He also served as Governor of Syria and was a trusted administrator under Emperor Claudius. In fact, Claudius entrusted the government administration to Lucius during […]

Aulus Vitellius – 69 AD

Aulus Vitellius January 2nd – mid-July 69 AD Born 14 – died 69 AD, age 55 Aulus Vitellius was born in 14 AD. He was a close friend of all the Emperors from Tiberius to Nero. Vitellius served in various positions, not the least of which was the important Proconsulship of Africa. His father was the famed Lucius Vitellius, who […]

Otho – 69 AD

Otho Emperor January 15th – April 16th, 69 AD Born 32 – Died 69 AD, Age 37 Marcus Salvius Otho was a close personal friend of Nero. During Nero’s reign, Otho had been Governor of Lusitania. Nevertheless, Otho supported Galba early in his reign, hoping that Galba would adopt him as a successor to the throne. When […]

Galba – 68-69 AD

Servius Sulpicius Galba  68 – 69 AD Born 3 BC – died 69 AD, age 72 Servius Sulpicius Galba was born in 3 BC. He had served Rome as a very able and well-respected administrator. He had been appointed a governor of Hispania in 60 AD under Nero (54-68AD). There was a civil war after […]

Clodius Macer – 68AD

Clodius Macer Clodius Macer was the Pro Praetor in Africa at the time of Nero’s fall. Initially, Clodius is said to have been little more than a pirate who raided the North African coast. Clodius attempted to broaden his power base by cutting into the grain supplies from Africa to Rome. By April of 68 […]