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Biden’s Failed Talks with China

In all honesty, Biden is clearly out of it, and his handlers are only interested in bringing the Great Reset to dominate the world. I believe COVID-19 was deliberately leaked into China because there were far too many sources all saying a “virus is coming” by December 2019.  I believe it was deliberately released in […]

Market Talk – November 17, 2021

ASIA: Retail sales growth in China bounced back in October, while industrial production also beat expectations. Retail sales, a key measurement of consumer spending in the world’s most populous nation, grew by 4.9 percent in October compared with a year earlier, up from the 4.4 percent increase in September, and above the estimate for a […]

Border Crisis in Poland is the Tip of the Iceberg

  There are deep concerns that an invasion from the Middle East has been deliberately encouraged by Soros and his attempt to force political change in Poland. For months now, in the aftermath of Biden’s Afghanistan disaster, Poland has been targeted by a wave of Muslims trying to infiltrate Poland. Estimates are that perhaps tens […]

There is Something Just Not Right – Papers Please!

QUESTION: Hello I think there is something wrong with the pattern when it comes to covid and the vaccines. It just do not add up. If the vaccines are about depopulation, then why does Gates vaccinate the people he would like to keep if he could choose? Why isn´t for example Africa the most vaccinated […]

Australia Sends SOS to the World

Feel Free to Send Link to this everywhere to Help Australia     This is Coming to Europe and they are Desperate to do this in North America with only 5 Million dead of COVID Worldwide out of a Population of 7.8 Billion – this is the New World Order to End Democracy!

Gates – Vaccines & Population Growth

Bill Gates simply cannot be this stupid. He is engaging in pure sophistry to sell his population-climate change agenda. The mistake people are making here is they are judging the third world by our way of life. Gates is claiming that we need to vaccinate everyone in the world so they will have a healthier […]

Austria Order Unvaccinated to Home Imprisonment

  Forget the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. All rights are now irrelevant.  Austria has just ordered that all unvaccinated are to be imprisoned in their homes. In Britain, reliable sources in London are saying that it may be necessary to impose lockdowns regularly well into 2026. The Netherlands has returned to a partial […]

The Dark Lord Behind the Curtain

There is a book about to be published that exposes that Soros has had his fingers in Ukraine to protect Hillary and Biden while undermining Trump. As everyone knows, I had direct contacts in Ukraine which were providing the backdrop to events. I was advising on how to win the revolution by convincing the police […]

Biden May be Unleashing the Worse Pandemic in History

This was the second year our World Economic Conference was unable to bring in our staff from China, SE Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Our staff had to appear by video while the Biden Administration allows unlimited UNVACCINATED people from south of the Border free access, gives them money, and secretly flies them into […]

Biden Administration Preparing to Rig the 2022 Election As Directed by Soros?

  At least since May of 2021, the Biden Administration has been secretly flying illegal aliens around the country in the middle of the night with the intention to grant them all citizenship and bonuses, provided they vote Democrat. There has been no notice to states, and those pulling the strings in his administration have […]