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Le Pen in First Place So Far

With the election coming up in France, Le Pen is praising Donald Trump for putting his people first. “The European Union has failed,” she declared. She vows to return control of France also back to the people. Le Pen promises to exit the EU, saying it has utterly failed, and place a strict limitation upon immigration […]

Market Talk – February 6, 2017

After a successful Non-Farms number on Friday, Asia followed suit encouraged along by the US markets closing near their days highs. All core Asian indices followed but with the exception of the ASX (Australian exchange) which closed small lower as the currency made ground. The Nikkei made ground closing +0.35% higher but could have been […]

The Coming Crisis in Central Banking

  The question of when will central banks fail is a popular one that comes in. Suffice it to say, the turmoil will hit Europe first. While so many people blame the Fed for all sorts of things, you must realize that Roosevelt usurped the Fed during the Great Depression and imposed a single interest […]

EU Demands Ireland Collect €13bn from Apple

The European Commission is demanding that Apple pay Ireland €13bn in back taxes. They are attempting to retroactively change a tax agreement made with Apple years ago that the EU now says is cheaper than any other member so that’s not fair as it would attract business to Ireland. The EU is clearly trying to impose […]

Market Talk – January 31, 2017

We saw another weak session today for stocks in Japan as the BOJ kept its position on monetary policy unchanged but selling pressure continued. The main concern remains centred around the US action for immigration despite the explanations offered. The USD lost its safe-haven bid with JPY strength resulting in a push closely breaching the […]

Is the CIA Responsible for Creating the EU?

The new conspiracy theory running around claims that the European Union was a CIA project. This serious distortion misses the entire point. It is very true that the idea of the EU was supported by the United States since World War II including the CIA. However, the U.S. supported the idea of the EU as a trade union that […]

EU Declares USA is new Enemy

The European Union’s chief BREXIT negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, told Reuters that Donald Trump is part of a three-pronged attempt to undermine the European Union. His comments reflect just how deranged the EU politicians really are for they will accept no blame whatsoever for any of their own policies that are dictatorial in nature and have sought from […]

2017 Outlook Report Provides an Overview of the World Economy

The 2017 outlook report provides an overview of the world economy by connecting the dots globally.  We have looked at the Trump Rally or Trump Bubble that dominates the financial headlines as well as the question of Free Trade coming under assault by Trump and the rising trend of protectionism. We have paid close attention to Greece […]

Market Talk – January 26, 2017

With the DOW having broken the psychological 20k level in early US trading and all the hype and coverage surrounding that, there really was only ever one direction planned for today. In the absence of any other significant market related news, Core Asia responded accordingly that saw both the Nikkei and the Hang Seng close […]

Connecting the Dots – 2017 Overview

  The 2017 outlook report provides an overview of the world economy by connecting the dots. Included is a global table on the yearly level for all major world markets that includes 2016 closings, buy and sell signals for annual closings, trading prices (as of the completion of this report), resistance, support, and the historical high […]