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Origins of Money

Primitive Period The Evolution of Banking Birth of Coinage 700-550BC 550-450BC 450-350BC 350-250BC

The Monetary History of Rome

The monetary history of Rome is divided into three sections – Republic, Imperial and by individual Emperor. The first two sections provide a chronology of events while the section devoted to Emperors provides individual biographies and details on the monetary system during his reign. Republic Imperial Rome By Emperor Monetary History of the World © Martin […]

Monetary History of the World

Under Construction Glossary of Money Terminology Historical Outline The Origins of Money Primitive Period Evolution of Banking Birth of Coinage 700-550 BC 550-450BC 450-350BC 350-250BC Great Empires Greece (Mint Marks of Alexander the Great) Egypt Carthage Judaea Roman Empire Republic Imperial Rome By Emperor (Roman Mint Marks)   Empires of the East Byzantium India Persia […]

Previous Writings Over the Years

    Birth of the Euro 2014 Writings 2013 Writings 2012 Writings 2011 Writings 2010 Writings 2009 Writings 2008 Writings

More Updates to Come…

In the meantime, check out the latest Martin Armstrong publications on the Sovereign Debt Crisis, MF Global and more. Visit the Writings page.

Metals Report, 2012 available

Those interested in the Metals Report for 2012 (Gold – Silver – Platinum – Palladium) can send a check or use your credit card via PayPal ArmstrongEconomics@HotMail.COM

Armstrong Economics Email List and Updates in 2012

Hello All – many of you have registered for the Armstrong Economics Email List and are awaiting updates to be sent out to that list. We are working on some updates to the site, conferences and publication plans for 2012, and once we have that squared away you’ll begin to see updates to that list. […]

Happy Holidays…

To all visitors and followers, hope 2011 has been an enjoyable year, the holidays have been merry, and the new year brings good fortune and change for the better.

Looking Ahead…

For those of you who attended Martin Armstrong’s World Economic Conference, we hope you enjoyed the insights as well as the opportunity to discuss the pressing issues facing our world with fellow attendees. Attendees will receive information following up from the conference over the coming weeks. For those who were unable to attend (we could […]

Recent Updates, December Conference

There are three recently updated editorials in the writings section. Martin will be conducting his Economic Conference the weekend of December 3 & 4th – looking forward to a great event.