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Armstrong Economics email list…

Hello All – We appreciate the patience while Martin squares things away and is able to publish his writings again. Many of you have registered for the email list and we encourage more to do the same. As those of you who are already registered know, this list is for future updates, so best way […]

Delay of Armstrong Economics writings…

All – As you’ve noticed, there’s been no new editorials written by Martin since his release to home confinement. This is in accordance with the terms of his release, and although the release is great (and overdue) news, there is an unfortunate delay on availability of new writings. Stay tuned as Martin is attempting to […]

Armstrong released!

Happy to report that Martin Armstrong has been released (finally) from prison to home confinement. More to come over coming weeks and months. Thank you to all who have and continue to support him. Regards

Website Back Up…

All – Apologies for the site being down recently due to some issues that needed to be worked out. Site is back up and running, with Martin’s latest writings. Thank you.

New Year, 2011

Hope all enjoyed the holidays and off to a good new year. Martin, although not 100%, is feeling better and will continue his writing periodically. Remember to check back often in the Writings page for the latest. On a side note, there may be websites and associates who post Martin’s writings as well, and although […]


Some of you may have heard Martin has been dealing with an illness lately. He has received great support from his readers and will hopefully be making a full recovery soon. In the meantime, Martin continues to write when he can. Please check the Writings page for most recent updates.

There are new updates posted in the Armstrong Economics Writings section.

Updates Posted

All – There appeared to be a corrupt file posted for one of Martin’s most recent writings, which has since been updated (World Share Market Outlook & The Grand Unified Theory). In addition, another writing has been posted, “Australia & The Current Account Deficit”. As a reminder, the email list is for future special reports […]

Armstrong is out of “The Hole”…

Its been confirmed that Martin is no longer in the special housing unit (aka the Hole). No details on how or why the “investigation” was able to keep him in the hole for over a month, but it is finally at an end.

Writing from the “Hole”

While Martin rides out his time in the “Hole”, or the “Special Housing Unit”, at Fort Dix, he has continued to write. It has been suggested he will be out soon, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Read his writings here.