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They Prosecute Pickpockets while letting Real Thieves Run Free

COMMENT: Hi and thanks: I’ve been following you since before Rikers. I had doubts as to whether you would make it or not. Tough and determined obviously.   Before I had ever heard of you I realized there were massive flows of capital through-out the world but limited in knowledge and information access I had […]

Capitalism – Socialism – Communism

  The business cycle is critical to understand. The difference between Capitalism and Socialism is simple. Capitalism is where you are free to decide what you do with your money, and Socialism is where government orders you what to do with their money, which you earn. The difference between Communism and Socialism is clever. The […]

Religion – Segregation – Civil Unrest

In France, retaliation have unfolded with civil unrest striking back with attacks on three mosques. In another French city, a homemade bomb exploded in the vicinity of a mosque which destroyed the facade of a church. In Montrouge a police officer was killed by an unknown assailant. The terror attacks in France are warning that the downturn […]

I am Charlie

The Islamic Radical attack on Charlie Hebdo, the satirical weekly magazine in France, has illustrated that we are entering this new age of the cycle of war thyat has engulfed civil unrest. Charlie Hebdo has courted controversy in the past with its irreverent take on news and current affairs. It was firebombed in November 2011 […]

The Bond Bubble

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the amazing information you provide so freely. I have been trying to warn friends & family about the bond bubble that you have identified. It’s easy enough to explain why international capital flows are pushing the USD and bond market higher, but I am having trouble explaining WHY the […]

Hong Kong – A Bird of a Different Feather?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I have been reading your writings a few years already and am so inspired by your analysis and ECM model. I understand you mentioned many times about the deflationary cycle that is coming and actually happening in Europe and reflected in oil prices. From many data, the inflation rate in US and […]

Treading Water

We see the potential here for a 5 months CONSOLIDATION (treading water) – not a 5 months collapse. That means no sustainable breakout just yet – just base building. The key support begins at the 16300 on the Dow. We need to see the capital concentrate in bonds to create a major bond bubble like […]

Can The Dow Correct for up to 5 Months?

  A weekly closing in the Dow Jones Industrials below 17722 will confirm that the January correction where we have had that Panic Cycle due in the middle of the month is in play. This will open the door to a retest of the 16300 area. Keep in mind that we did NOT achieve the […]

2017 – 72 Year Market for the end of World War II – Here We Go Again?

The Japanese Emperor Akihito 81 years-old released his “New Year Thoughts”, which reflect his concerns about the current  situation and the rising tension with the cycle of war. “I think it is most important for us to take this opportunity to study and learn from the history of this war, starting with the Manchurian Incident […]

TIME & Fourth Dimension – Catalyst v Object

QUESTION: Dear Martin: Thanks for all the work, one thing I admire is that you are providing insight in to how the world works by making us think. Honestly, when I read your blog post “Wine industry confirms same trend in Energy” I thought this guy is nuts… then I went back and read your […]