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Market Talk – January 16th, 2017

A heavy day for Asian shares with 1% declines for many core markets. The fear was created as the British Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to claim that Britain will make a “clean and hard” exit from the European Union when she makes her speech on Tuesday. Sterling was trading around the 1.2200 for the majority of […]

Currency v Language

QUESTION: Do language and currencies move in line with each other? Is language a leading indicator to currency i.e. Spanish in California. Will they create their own currency if they separate from the states? ANSWER: There is a direct link between currency and language. When I was doing interviews in Europe, I explained the euro would […]

Xi Jinping: “In 10 Years We Can Expect a New World Order”

President of China Xi Jinping made a statement last year that has sparked a number of comments over the past few months. Xi Jinping said: “The world is on the verge of radical change. We see that the European Union is gradually falling apart, how the US economy is crashing, and that all this will […]

Market Talk – January 11, 2017

Although the Asian cash markets were reasonably strong today we did see a slight wobble in the Shanghai index. Japan cash closed +0.35% and Hang Seng even better at +0.85% but China’s main index closed down -0.8% all in relatively low volume day. However, this was ahead Trump’s first major press conference. Most of the […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2017

After the holiday in Japan yesterday the JPY resumed its strong recovery and with it saw a decline in the Nikkei. The yen traded close to the 115 handle whilst the Nikkei lost 0.8% on the day. Concerns are still that the DOW continues to reject the 20k level and is having a psychological effect […]

Market Talk – January 9, 2017

The demand for safe-haven JPY returned with a vengeance today even though Japan was on a national holiday (Coming of Age Day) but in the futures markets the Nikkei lost almost 1.3%. The Yen traded stronger all day and in late US trading was seen slightly under the 116 level. Both the Shanghai and Hang […]

The EU Precedent also Lies in the Athenian Empire

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your work on the euro from the nineties and how it would fail. Everything you laid out unfolded over the the subsequent 20 years. I assume you have discovered historical attempts to create a euro type system before aside from Napoleon. Can you point to any other references? HF ANSWER: History repeats […]

Market Talk – January 3, 2016

Asia has started the new year in positive mood especially after some better than expected China data. The Chinese PMI rose to 51.9 from an expected 50.7 forecast helping the core markets register a 1%+ increase today. This comes on the heels of a change in the calculating factors for the Yuan. As we reported […]

Market Talk January 2nd, 2017

Although the cash markets for Japan, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Australia were closed some of the exchange traded futures market did open. All were better bid, closing in positive territory but as you would imagine, volumes were extremely thin and even the Indian Sensex closed unchanged. It was the European markets that tended to drive […]

Yes, More Electors Abandoned Hillary in the Electoral College

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not understand this electoral college in the United States. Why does the popular vote not count? Then I heard that more electors abandoned Hillary rather than Trump. Thank You from European Disneyland JH ANSWER: It is very simple. The EU has member states and each is really its own […]