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Market Talk – July 16, 2019

ASIA: President Trump said today that there is a long way to go to reach the conclusion to this US-China trade deal. Additionally, there is a possibility of adding tariffs on another 325 billion USD worth of goods. China, meanwhile, has added another member to the negotiating team – the current minister Zhong Shan who […]

Market Talk – July 15, 2019

ASIA: China’s released new data today that showed the economy grew at the slowest pace in 27 years, with the trade war with the United States being the prime suspect. China grew 6.2% in the second quarter of 2019, a drop from 6.4% in the first quarter, according to data released by the Chinese government. […]

Market Talk – July 11, 2019

ASIA: President Trump tweeted today that China has let us (the U.S.) down by not purchasing American agricultural products as promised. This could impact the possibility of an amicable trade agreement. The positive reports indicating progress seem to have no positive end goal. Trump concluded his tweet with “hope they will soon,” a more optimistic […]

Market Talk – July 10, 2019

ASIA: Russia reported that China has announced plans to open six new free zones as an attempt to open up its economy (with external pressure to do so). China also announced that they will expand the existing Shanghai free zone. Spokesperson Gao Feng said, “China has been opening up more sectors of the economy as […]

Goldman Sachs Control the SEC

QUESTION: you spoke about trump draining the swamp, how would you drain the swamp, we agree it needs draining? tg ANSWER: The first thing you have to do is eliminate the control of the regulatory agencies by the bankers. Enough is enough. We must start there. We will NEVER see any hope for the future […]

Market Talk – July 3, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China responded to the UK’s criticism of its handling of Hong Kong by telling them that they should not interfere in “domestic affairs.” The UK’s Foreign Secretary tweeted full support for the Hong Kong citizens right for a peaceful protest. In addition, he told China that the way good relations are maintained […]

The Democratic Debates

QUESTION: Would you care to comment on the Democratic debate? EH ANSWER:  There was really nothing to comment on. The polls show Joe is at about 41%. The traditional Democrats will never vote for Bernie or Elizabeth Warren. The Millenials are the big supporters of Bernie. The Democrats are not yet ready for prime-time. There […]

Market Talk – July 1, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Trump applauded Prime Minister Abe of Japan saying how excellent the G20 meeting was and mentioning that no mistakes were made. During the weekend he and President Xi met and have agreed to resume negotiations with no further tariffs applied – calling the progress of the talks as “fairly advanced.” This […]

Custodial Risk in the Post MF Global Era

QUESTION: Martin: You have occasionally made short-quick comments that have made me loose sleep ! One of your past comments quipped that we equity/bond investors should entertain the idea of having the actual certificates to our stock/bond investments (which are typically digital entries held at brokerage houses) mailed directly to us instead of having them […]

Market Talk – June 28, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The G20 is set up to be interesting, as the US negotiators describe Chinese officials tone as negative. Tomorrow, the two heads of states are due to meet. President Trump was a bit more optimistic stating, “At a minimum, it will be productive,” referring to his meeting tomorrow with Chinese President Xi. […]