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2017 is Looking More Optimistic Than Ever

The only thing about international trade is that someone cannot have a trade surplus without another experiencing a trade deficit. We all cannot have trade surpluses simultaneously and we have to begin understanding this reality. The net capital movements around the world are showing clear signs that things will be intensifying and the net capital […]

Everything is Connected – Connecting the Dots

Trying to understand forecasting will be critical as we move forward. The HUGE turning point appears to be 2018 and that is most likely when things will start to come unglued. How do I even make such a statement? This is not a claim that I make based upon some gut feeling. I arrive at […]

A Light Has Gone Off

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for you have been correct on every market demonstrating that everything is explicitly connected. What you have taught me is more than just trading a single market to make money. You have taught me how to see the world and connect the dots. I can see the […]

The Real Crisis Trump Will Face With Trade

The entire problem with trade and jobs has been its focus on only the job and not the consumer. David Ricardo developed his principle that nations should pursue their own competitive advantages. In other words, just because I might want to be a brain surgeon does not mean that (1) I might be very good at […]

Confiscating Gold

The assault on gold is by no means casual. The hunt for money and the global effort to eliminate cash to be able to increase taxation is also targeting gold. All the sales pitches that gold will survive have ignored the fact that government is well aware of gold and people using it to store […]

Merkel’s Refugee Nightmare

The prospect of Merkel winning reelection dwindles with each terrorist attack. This time refugee “youths” set a homeless person on fire in the Berlin underground station. They have been identified as refugees from Syria and Libya, police confirmed. They set a homeless person on fire as he slept in the train station Christmas Eve. It […]

The Future is Not as Dark As it Seems

I took this picture at the beach. At first glance, it is hard to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset. For the record, it was a sunrise – the dawn of a new day. What we face can be disastrous but it also can be the dawn of a new era. Government […]

The ECB is Insolvent Based on Their Standards

As we approach 2017, the euro appears far worse than anyone could imagine. The biggest hypocrite is actually Mario Draghi who is outrageously managing the European Central Bank (ECB). To make this as plain as possible, the ECB is the largest individual creditor of the euro countries, and is thus a bank that is undermined completely by the poor creditworthiness of the […]

Market Talk – December 21, 2016

Yesterdays strong US close encouraged a positive performance for Asia with even Asian dealers questioning whether the DOW is close 2016 over the psychological 20k level. This positive momentum certainly helped sentiment in todays market with the Shanghai index closing up 1.15%. Currency is having a large impact on equity markets as the US Dollar […]

Market Talk – December 20th, 2016

The BOJ held rates unchanged in an extremely quiet market until the final hour rally. Eventually, the Nikkei closed up +0.55% even as the currency meandered around the 117 handle for the majority of the day. In late US trading we ventured back above 118 as futures added an additional +0.5%. Shanghai and the Hang […]