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The Dishonesty Behind the Headlines – Politicians You Just Cannot Trust

There are a lot of doctors and scientists who have been silenced over this entire COVID scam. This raises serious questions that the media, which has sold its soul to Gates & Schwab, will immediately flag any contrary opinion as a “conspiracy theory” so they do not have to (1) investigate and (2) actually report. […]


QUESTION: Do Americans have to be concerned about having money in foreign exchanges in places like London or other European countries if they impose capital controls? Is this as big a risk for Americans and you wrote it is for Europeans? EM ANSWER: Yes. They will require you to prove that you are not fronting […]

Climate Change & the Dollar

COMMENT: Marty, at first I was not sure why you were focusing on the climate change issue. I now understand that climate is the main driving force behind this Great Reset which is out to undermine capitalism. Looking at the dollar through a global view I can see that cash is not trash. Thank you […]

COVID – A Convenient Virus

German researchers have disagreed with the WHO which claimed Wuhan lab was not the source of the virus. This virus was planned and the action of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates selling out positions and even bonds from December 2019 into January 2020 and then warnings that Klaus Schwab made to intimates reflect […]

Model Predicts Things Humanly Impossible

QUESTION: OK. I have followed you and Socrates for a long time now. How could it see that the 8th was going to be more important than the 6th and that the vote was going to be postponed? I am blown away. SH ANSWER: I am here only to try to interpret its output without […]

Austria bucking Trend Against Digital Currency

The Austrian National Bank has started an information campaign to support cash. It remains to be seen whether it is on a collision course with the ECB. There will be rising resistance to this scheme to eliminate paper money and force everyone into a digital currency. I would expect you will see the same resistance rise […]

Massive Riots in Florence Italy – Europe Imposing Authoritarian Laws

There was a very serious uprising in Florence during demos against the Corona measures as reported by DWN. The “police officers acted particularly brutally against the demonstrators. The officers also beat bystanders.” The people are chanting “We want to work. We are hungry”. The EU lockdowns have already seriously reduced the food supply and their new […]

Implanting Chips into People as a Solution for COVID?

I really have a problem with them implanting a chip into me for this COVID-19 BS when it is nothing worse than the flu. It just seems that this is way over-the-top to scare everyone into some crazy new world where we are chipped, our DNA changed, and then what? The people behind this move, […]

Parliamentary advisor to the German Bundestag Has Come Out Warn the People

Warnung an die Bevölkerung Anonym, September 2020 Parlamentarischer Berater des Deutschen Bundestages Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, ich wende mich als Mitarbeiter des Deutschen Bundestages mit der Funktion eines parlamentarischen Beraters an Sie. Durch meine Tätigkeit im Parlament habe ich Kenntnis davon, dass den Menschen in unserem Land wichtige Informationen in Zusammenhang mit der Coronakrise gezielt […]

Biden’s Best Speech Ever Reveal the Gates Agenda

Joe Biden delivered a very good speech. He read his script well and painted Trump as a white-supremacist. But the concerning element is he promised to create millions of jobs rebuilding the economy GREEN and raising the taxes again what Trump reduced to “pay for it” as if the government ever pays for anything. The […]