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2020 Super Tuesday – Trump Received More Votes Than the Democrats

COMMENT: Marty; I have read that Trump has managed to break several turnout and vote-count records in blue states and key swing states and racked up more votes than all the Democrats in a primary being unopposed. It certainly looks like Socrates is going to be correct again. PSB REPLY: While all the news has […]

A Real Fact Check on the Trump Tax Cuts

While the Democrats love to yell at the rich for always getting richer, in 2016, there were 541 US billionaires with wealth totaling about $2.4 trillion. In 2019, there were 607 US billionaires with wealth totaling about $3.1 trillion. Of course, this is based on stock market valuations and is not cash in the bank. […]

Can Trump do what Bloomberg Did & Extend it for three Terms?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I am not familiar with the us constitution. For many, trump has been an is the guiding light out of the monumental corruption which is destroying America. Is there any precedent that a President could be voted to serve a third term without allowing the obvious corruption used by future Presidents? Regards […]

Trump’s Ad Does Not Target Biden or Bernie – but Hillary

COMMENT: Wow, this ad really does illustrate what you have been saying. The divide is widening. OF REPLY: I was very surprised to see such an ad. However, this was from the 2016 election. I still hear the rumors behind the curtain that they will prevent Bernie from winning on the first ballot and then […]

Hillary Says She “Feels” the Urge to Run Against Trump Again

COMMENT: Marty, nobody can compete with your sources. You said they were very good. It looks like demanding witnesses by the Democrats they know what they are doing. It does clear the decks of Warren and Bernie, but it will put Biden and his son in the witness seat. You are right. Hillary just said […]

Trump Impeachment Trial into Week of Feb 10th?

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Impeachment Trial into Week of Feb 10th? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Democrats Now After Trump via War Powers

The Democrats are now claiming that because Soleimani was also a “political” figure, that somehow makes it an act of war that only Congress can authorize. Of course, the argument goes down party lines because it is just political and not a valid argument. Nevertheless, what this is showing is that it is impossible to […]

John McCain Conspired Against Trump With Hillary

COMMENT: Marty, your sources were correct when you said John McCain had conspired against Trump and was trying to help Hillary. The Inspector General Report confirms what you said long before McCain died. Truly amazing the contacts you have! SJ REPLY: The Inspector General’s report on the FBI’s investigation into Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign also […]

Was Nadler & Pelosi Paid Off Because Trump is Trying to Pullout of Middle East?

Jerrold Nadler from the 10th district of New York City has probably done far more damage to the nation than any person who has ever been elected to Congress. He has been elected to 13 terms and he may actually lose his seat in 2020 if he dares to run. He may have been given […]

Impeachment Coup to Overthrow Trump

It has been obvious that the Intelligence community has tried to both prevent Trump from being elected and to overthrow his presidency. This Impeachment has turned into an outright coup. Here we have Joe Biden publicly admitting he withheld money UNLESS Ukraine fired the prosecutor who was investigating the company that hired his son to […]