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Market Talk – October 16, 2020

ASIA: Chinese cotton mills have been told to stop using Australian cotton, deepening fears that Australian produce is being specifically targeted by the Chinese government. Chinese processors set import quotas each year by the Chinese Communist Party but have been verbally warned by the National Development Reform Commission that they will have their intake cut […]

Resistance Is Not Always Futile – Manchester & Liverpool Stand up To Boris Johnson

The Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham has come out and refused to follow the demands of Boris Johnson who is increasingly acting, not like a politician, but someone who has been bribed to sabotage BREXIT and to crush the British economy for Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. Johnson has not only abandoned the very core principles […]

Market Talk – October 15, 2020

ASIA: China’s consumer inflation slowed in September, driven by a moderation in food price gains. The consumer price index rose 1.7% last month from a year earlier, following a 2.4% gain in August, the National Bureau of Statistics said Thursday. The median forecast was for a 1.9% increase. The producer price index registered a 2.1% […]

The Insanity of Central Banks

QUESTION: Marty, you mentioned several times now, that the ECB MUST convert to a digital Euro. I have done speeches about that based on a paper from the IMF (Christine Lagarde) last year, in which they too discuss how to do it. But I have a serious question regarding timing. I live in Germany and I would […]

The 2020 Elections & Beyond

Here is the 2020 Election Forecast and Beyond. This is a special report that provides the Forecasting Arrays out for 12 years so this is not just the 2020 election which we have provided previously to only politicians and governments. The stakes were never this high before. Here you will see firsthand why the markets […]

Using Every Trick in the Book

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I know you have said several times that the maniacs pushing this Great Reset are going to lose, but are your models showing any idea on WHEN the tipping point is going to be reached here where the majority see through the nonsense and stop co-operating? I’m based in the UK and […]

Market Talk – October 8, 2020

ASIA: China represents a strategic threat to Britain as its Navy could reach the North Atlantic via the Arctic by a route opened up by global heating, the head of the Royal Navy has said. Adm Tony Radakin, the first sea lord, said an “increasingly assertive” China had the capability to reach waters north of […]

Market Talk – October 1, 2020

ASIA: Chinese state-owned utility Huanghe Hydropower Development has finished building the world’s largest solar power project in a desert in the northwestern Chinese province of Qinghai. Chinese inverter manufacturer Sungrow, which supplied the inverters, said that the 2.2 GW solar plant was built in five phases. It involved an investment of RMB15.04 billion ($2.2 billion) […]

Boris Johnson & Bill Gates

There are rising concerns that Boris Johnson fought for BREXIT so he could run into the arms of Bill Gates and the UN consortium including Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum pushing for this Globalist Agenda with even George Soros. Some are deeply concerned has Boris been bought by Gates? If someone demands an […]

Market Talk – September 28, 2020

ASIA: Profits at China’s industrial firms grew for the fourth straight month in August, buoyed in part by a rebound in commodities prices and equipment manufacturing, the statistics bureau said on Sunday. Industrial firm profits grew 19.1% year-on-year in August to 612.81 billion yuan ($89.8 billion), the statistics bureau said. However, industrial firms’ profits still […]