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Biden Tried to Hide the Failure of the US in Afghanistan

Biden put pressure on the President of Afghanistan not to tell the world that the Taliban were winning to create the “perception” that the Taliban weren’t winning, “whether it’s true or not.” A transcript of the phone call exposes the lies of the White House that they did not know what was happening. They knew, […]

Why I’m Optimistic About 2022

  I know it can get depressing. I really hate this nonsense. But when I look at the charts, all the markets are indicating that this merry band of Climate Change fanatics who has organized the biggest scam in human history over COVID to change the economy suggests that they will FAIL. Yes, there are […]

The Social Dilemma & AI   I have gotten a lot of emails regarding AI and what is the difference between Socrates and the AI being deployed by BigTech? I think this documentary provides a scary view of what is wrong with AI as it has been used by BigTech. To provide free access to “users” they must to […]

Lockdowns = Inflation

  QUESTION: Why is there a shortage in everything? Bicycles, sold out. Bicycle parts sold out. Cars delivered late, sold out. Laptops, delivery postponed, sold out. Graphic cards sold out. Intel delivery problems. Talking to carpenters – wood is getting expensive or scarce. Hardly any mention anywhere in the media, no explanation if mentioned. Reminds […]

Questions Presented

QUESTION #1: Do you think we are living in the end times? It seems like they are trying to absolutely control every aspect of our lives with cryptocurrencies to depopulation. Any thoughts? REPLY: I realize a lot of people are drawing that correlation to religious prophecies be it Christain or Muslim. Virtually every religion sees […]

Where to Live & The Population Crisis

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Are there any countries that will be safe from mandatory experimental vaccines? Can you please cover where in the world is going to be safe to live at the next WEC. Thanks, P ANSWER: I realize that is becoming the #1 question. I am working on the materials for the WEC now. […]

The 2022 Elections

  In the USA, there are two upcoming regularly scheduled elections for governor where the Democrats may lose. In New Jersey, Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is seeking a second term, and in Virginia, Democrat Ralph Northam faces the state’s unique one-consecutive-term limit on governors. Then there is yet a third race in California, which is […]

Fauci Becoming an International Villain

Fauci Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus_ The Way Forward   We are heading into a real political crisis where internationally, more and more countries are starting to point the finger at Fauci. Yet, in the USA, the Biden Administration refuses to investigate Fauci or even suspend him, no less fire him. The more […]

The Plot of the Demigods

QUESTION: Marty, Did you ever think when you studied history, created Socrates, then observed what would unfold in the future would lead you to what we see happening today, in social collapse and the march toward authoritarianism? Truly, wasn’t this like discovering the Rosetta Stone and other mysteries best left untouched? When did it dawn on […]

The Election Audits Fulfilling the Model Forecasts?

Many people have written in about the ongoing audits of the 2020 election, which seem to be spreading from state to state. I believe Roman has done a fair unbiased review of Arizona on Epoch TV. We are witnessing forensic audits now also in Pennsylvania. There are calls for audits now even in Wisconsin. I […]