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Market Talk – February 5, 2019

  Asia: With most of Asia closed due to the Chinese New Year (many wishes again!), Japanese was subject to represent the region. The Nikkei 225, dropped 19bps today. German Chancellor Angela Merkel recent trip to Japan highlighted a concern with Huawei that data emanating from the EU must not be handed over to the […]

Market Talk – February 4, 2019

  Asia: Firstly, we would like to wish our Chinese and Korean readers a happy new year and have a wonderful holiday. Asian stocks posted positive returns as optimism grew regarding a possible US and China trade deal. Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are due to meet on the 27th and 28th of February in […]

Norway to Track Cars GPS to Tax Per KM (Mile) – Your Govt is Next

COMMENT: Hi, The Norwegian Data Protection Authority is now arguing that GPS based taxation, for the amount of kilometers driven by car, can be done within 5-6 years! Norwegians trust the government way too much, because they believe that this system will eliminate the need for road tax, fuel tax, toll roads and reduce the […]

Democrats v Trump – The Mexican Standoff

The reaction from the Democrats and the mainstream media against Trump is really absurd. VOX wrote that he should not even be allowed to address the nation. They wrote: “After watching President Trump’s primetime immigration speech Tuesday, my overwhelming impression was this: Why, oh why, did anyone think it was a good idea to air […]

Victoria Australia Elections Overthrow the Conservatives in Surprise Election Result

  The Trump Revolution is unfolding everywhere. It is NOT a philosophy left or right – it is just drain-the-swamp and throw out whoever is in power. The Labor government in the Australian state of Victoria won an unexpectedly large majority in an election. We will also see this manifest into the national elections warning that Australia’s […]

Australia Turning Really Authoritative? Is this How a Dark Age Begins?

The greed of governments in their pursuit of money is the single greatest threat to creating a Dark Age. With New Zealand imposing a $5,000 fine for just landing there and you refuse to hand over your pen and passwords to your phone for them to search, now we have Australia going really nuts to […]

Who is the Fool? Trump or Woodward?

According to CNBC, Bob Woodward reported that Trump told Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs/director of the National Economic Council to just print more money to reduce the national debt. Woodward reports this discussion:   Trump: “Just run the presses—print money.” Cohn: “You don’t get to do it that way. We have huge deficits and they […]

Caution – The Left Never Plays Nicely with Others

COMMENT: I know a guy who just hates Trump and claims he hates Trump because he is a racist and incompetent and says I am a racist because I did not like Obama. But nobody that I ever knew hated Obama with such personal vindictiveness. These people would rather burn the house down and seem […]

John McCain’s Funeral Converted to a Career Politician Opportunity to bash Trump

John McCain’s funeral turned into a political event where career politicians did nothing but used the opportunity to bash Trump. The hatred these people are spinning in the country is going to lead to bloodshed. They are convinced that if they can just keep talking shit about Trump they will get rid of him and […]

Discretion in the Hands of Every Government Agent = Tyranny

There has been an interesting case of an American Muslim woman who had her phone seized by border guards as she returned home to the United States from a trip to Switzerland. The guards just seized her phone and she had to file a lawsuit to get it returned after 120 days. Meanwhile, they refuse […]