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Trudeau has Instituted Hitler-Type Powers Over Capital

While anyone who dares to compare Trudeau to Hitler is criticized because they ONLY equate Hitler with the Holocaust – nothing can be further than the truth. Hitler also made it illegal to have a bank account outside of Germany, which many people did because of the Hyperinflation 10 years before he came to power […]

Thank You Truckers

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, We want to thank you and the truckers for bringing awareness of what we are up against. We watched the emotionally explosive truck convoy in Canada, as it was unfolding, last weekend. We were so moved by it, that we created this sign, the next morning. We live on the east […]

World War III Begins in the Financial Markets

The Bank of England raised rates for a second time which is the first time they have responded in this manner to inflation since 2004 during the boom into 2007. While the Bank of England has choreographed its intent to raise rates as has the Federal Reserve, this meant that the markets were not surprised […]

Trudeau is a Disgrace as a Head of State & Putin’s Approval Rating is nearly 2x Biden’s

  The Canadian Freedom Convoy may not have moved Trudeau. Trudeau takes his orders as a good graduate of the World Economic Forum’s young leader program to infiltrate the world to push Schwab’s Marxist agenda. Nevertheless, it has led the way for the world. We now see these COVID political restrictions collapsing in England, Denmark, […]

Using Fear to Gain More Power

  The Press is not reporting all the protests in Europe. Millions of people are now protesting in virtually every city throughout Germany. The number of protests throughout Germany is far too great to even list them all. Major protests are appearing in Brussels, Austria, France, and Italy while the media is pretending nothing is […]

Does Liz Cheney Belong in Jail?

QUESTION: Marty; Do you think Newt Gingrich is correct about Liz Cheney that she could face jail time? GG ANSWER: Absolutely! I believe she is a vile individual and her father is responsible for the Iraq War. His former company Haliburton, to which he gave all the spoils, when it was going to be investigated, […]

The Risk of Violence is Increasing – A Day of Global Protests

  These people have put themselves out there and just like there were attempts to kill Hitler, there will no doubt be someone or more than one who attempts to kill Gates or Schwab. You cannot turn the world upside down and expect people to accept it. Karl Marx’s idea of you will own nothing […]

Facebook Continues to Mute the Truth

Facebook fact-checkers have become the new Gestapo by silencing anyone who opposes the Great Reset narrative. The Taliban is permitted to operate on social media. However, that privilege was taken away from a sitting US president (Donald Trump) and others whose voices are deemed too dangerous for society. Ron Paul is the latest voice to […]

Emerging Markets & Political Crisis Ahead

China has asked the Fed to please not raise rates. This has confused many to wonder when China would be asking the Fed not to raise rates. The real reason is the crisis we have in emerging markets and the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Emerging Markets are one of the main victims of tightening US monetary […]

Divide and Conquer

COMMENT: Martin; “Divide and Conquer” I did not fully comprehend because thirst for power is not in my wheelhouse. So once the government has promised salvation to the desensitized & numb, the divide creates an army who will do anything against the dissenters, by edict, for the sake of a dreamy future. Just like much […]