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We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Expel a State Like New York and California

There has long been a question presented in society circles, not courts, about the legal secession of a state. The only comment on this from anyone in the Supreme Court was a letter from Justice Scalia to a movie producer on the subject. He mentions that there is no right to secede, for that was […]

It’s a Recession Not a Depression

The government insists that the economy is fine, thriving perhaps, and has asked the public to pay no mind to their current financial situation. No one, aside from those living off government assistance, are better off now than they were four years ago. Americans cannot be gas lit into believing the economy is sound when […]

Harris to Raise Corporate Income Tax

America is experiencing a 13-year high in corporate bankruptcies, with more companies going under than during the lockdown era of the pandemic. Companies are rushing to friendshoring opportunities to avoid the tax that comes with the Made in America label. Businesses are reluctant to hire even low-wage workers. America lost China as its top trading […]

Rental Caps?

The Biden Administration wants to do everything to lower prices BESIDES lowering taxes. Joe Biden released a new plan that would cap rental raises at 5% annually. Landlords who have over 50 units in their portfolio would lose their tax credits if they failed to adhere to this proposed law. Yet, property taxes throughout the […]

Tax Code Change for Emergency Retirement Withdrawals

Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians are not voting to decrease taxes for those who can barely get by. Instead, they’re permitting Americans to pull a mere $1,000 out of their retirement accounts without […]

Household Debt in Canada Exceeds 100% of GDP

World leaders spend recklessly with no regard for the overall economy. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fallen out of favor for one primary reason – the cost of living is too high. Canada is deeply indebted, and now ranks the third-highest nation in household debt in the world. Switzerland and Australia are the only […]

Made in Mexico

US manufacturing is in trouble as companies move offshore to avoid taxation, high wages, and asinine green legislation. John Deere, an American branded company, announced it will move manufacturing from Illinois to Ramos, Mexico. This is part of a growing trend of companies simply finding it difficult to turn a profit in the US. John […]

People Flee Illinois – Blue State Exodus

We saw it happen first in California. People could not handle the restrictive policies during the pandemic, which was worsened by the drastic increase in taxes and crime. Americans are fleeing blue states in droves – precisely why we cannot forecast real estate as whole for the United Stated. Recent data from the Internal Revenue […]

The British Elections – Can Farage Create a new Party?

  Naturally, The British Economist Magazine endorses Labour as they always do. So, it’s nothing of a surprise there. The polls on BREXIT were all wrong in the UK, for the polling appears to be more of a tool to force people to vote for their anointed politician. Britain’s prime minister, Rishi Sunak, surprised many […]

The Real Debate?

COMMENT#1: You were correct. This debate was a conspiracy for Hillary. That’s why they did not let RFK on stage. GL COMMENT #2: Joe Biden’s condition makes me believe he was sent to that podium as a sacrificial lamb to show the world why they need to switch their candidate. That debate was humiliating. CD […]