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Is Europe Sleepwalking into its Demise?

When the Allies crossed the border to invade Germany as WWII came to an end, the German population hung white sheets from the windows to signify their surrender. Just a few years before, the German people were told to celebrate the prospect of dominating Europe as retribution for the punishment they endured because of the […]

Russia Gas to Europe to Stop

The Russian EU Ambassador has informed the EU that gas will stop through Nordstream because a turbine that was needed was stuck in Canada because of the sanctions. Then the biggest gas field in Siberia is now on fire. That can also provide an excuse to reduce gas delivery to Europe. This will also add […]

European Central Bank to Raise Rates Amid Record Inflation

Inflation in the euro area reached a record high of 8.1% in May across the 19-member states. It is no longer possible for the European Central Bank (ECB) to release optimistic or neutral forecasts. The ECB now expects inflation to hover near 6.8% in 2022 before declining to 3.5% in 2023 and finally landing near […]

European Debt Crisis Explained

The European Union failed to consolidate debt when creating its European utopia. Policymakers are solely to blame for creating their debt crisis, and it is hard to believe that no one saw this coming. The creation of the euro and European Union was so poorly planned that it is another example of comedy writing itself. […]

European Debt Crisis Unfolding on Target

The European Central Bank (ECB) has a major crisis beginning. The free markets always win, and the spreads on the interest rates among the member of the EU are widening for Greece and Italy. Fools are telling Lagarde to use stronger language to signal that divergences among the member states will not be allowed to […]

European Union Pushing for Mass Surveillance

  Censorship is now normalized in the West. The European Union has concocted its own way to spy on citizens under the pretense of protecting children from predators. The “chat control” law, if passed, would permit the EU to access private, chats, emails, text messages, and calls. The program will even allow the government to […]

Eurozone Inflation and ECB Incompetence

According to Eurostat, the European Union statistics company, inflation in Europe rose to a new all-time high in March after advancing by 7.5%. This surpassed the high of 5.9% set in February and marks the fifth consecutive month of inflation in the Eurozone. Europe’s reliance on Russian energy has resulted in a 44.7% uptick in […]

The Crisis in Europe – Robbing Pension Funds to Replace QE

  Boris Johnson in Britain announced a new law that will allow the government to confiscate private assets of those who resist the government under the pretense of Russian Sanctions. Meanwhile, the European Union was also drafting legislation that would allow Brussels to take private property in the event of a pandemic emergency. Of course, […]

Trump Warned NATO of Europe’s Reliance on Russian Energy

Everyone criticized Trump for condemning his NATO allies in 2018. At the time, only five nations were meeting their 2% GDP spending requirement on NATO defense, with the US paying around 5%. Trump suggested that everyone contribute 4% to build a stronger alliance. He never wanted to back away from NATO to support Putin, rather, […]

Euro – ECB – Ukraine

Euro – ECB – Ukraine THURSDAY, 10 MARCH 2022 BY: MARTIN ARMSTRONG The European Central Bank is doomed. It has not raised rates as I have warned, they are trapped by their own stupidity. Lagarde has confirmed what I reported previously that they would reduce their balance sheet by buying less debt from governments. The sanctions […]